It's time for Buster RC-2. Testers Needed!


last year you removed this from audio_config
if postedConfig[‘SOUNDCARD_NAME’][0] == ‘AudioInjector’:
call(“amixer sset ‘Output Mixer HiFi’ unmute”, shell=True)
call(“amixer -c 1 cset numid=10,iface=MIXER,name=‘Line Capture Switch’ 1”, shell=True)
except Exception as err:
logging.error(“AudioInjector Alsa Mixer => {}”.format(err))

AudioInjector is not working after a fresh install. I have to call this commands first.
Where are they now?

opened again

It’s in the script:

This script is run on every software update and every time you change some hardware config option from the webconf.


I’ve downloaded again (but is image timestamped as at 2020-05-26 01:17 ;-))
So far, everything is all right (but I didn’t it test that much, I have mostly jammed an hour or two with stepseq, black pearl drumkit, helm and synthv1 as instruments and modui and a guitar plugged in the umc204hd).


I will have a change in place for AudioInjector Ultra.
Nevertheless, all I did with amixer wasn’t enough before the second reboot.
mpg123 was throwing a Jack error.

And nevertheless. Isn’t that script called before the reboot?
Before the audioinjector overlay is loaded?

I think, we had always the bug, that only with a second change in the audio-config screen, those calls were made.

Should we have a more complex mechanism? Something that is only triggered, when the SOUNDCARD_NAME changes? And that is called after the reboot?
And which reboots a second time for the AudioInjector Ultra?

I’ve got randomly UI freeze when using ZynAddSubFx. I have to restart UI.
I’m downloading to see if same thing occur.
Unfortunately, the touchscreen of my 5inch HDMI+GPIO display is dead so I can’t test “that miracle script

Installing 2020-05-29 right now so I will report back soon as I give it a good test. Thanks for all your hard work.

Kind regards

2020-05-29 zynthian version:

  • First boot, with ethernet cable plugged in: black screen, no webconf access even IP interface was up. Had to hard reboot (didn’t tried ssh access btw …)
  • I can now access to webconf, so I’ve tried to configure wifi with webconf but wifi won’t start
  • configure my hardware (see here if that matters) then reboot
  • yes ! everything is up and running: UI and wifi :thinking:
  • I’ve created 3 layers of ZY engines and 3 patterns with step seq and use zynPad (zynGrid ?) for playing them simultaneously and … IT WORKS
  • then I’ve started to record produced audio to prove it, but zynthian hangs: ui freeze, webconf was stuck and ssh access was lost :woozy_face:
  • hard reboot: patterns and preset were lost
  • let’s try again, and … here it is:

Conclusion: they are some strange behaviors during setup and a not reproducible hang during audio record (I’ve got a good samsung Evo SD card)

I will play a bit more music now to see how it goes …

after having plugged in my midi keyboard, I’ve tried to add a 4th layer, Helm engine. But ui freeze again and webconf isn’t accessible anymore. Had to restart zynthian-ui trough ssh

Having problems getting 2020-5-29 working with my custom Zynthian. 4GB Pi4, onboard sound and 3.5inch touch screen.

I’ve setup my hardware in the WebConfig as I normally do and reboot, but my Zynthian won’t boot into the Zynthian UI. I just get the splash screen with ERROR and IP address.

Tried a few reboots and double checked settings and now I’m not getting anything but a white screen and no access to WebConfig.

Going to have to reflash now to try again.

“I just get the splash screen with ERROR and IP address”
that means your sound card is not well configured.

100 % sure I had entered in the settings correctly. Either way I’ve just re-flashed and setup everything again. Same issue. It won’t boot beyond the Splash screen Error. Triple checking WebConfig, I’ve my settings entered correctly. 100% sure of that.
Hmmm…don’t seem to be able to get 2020-5-29 working at all on my end.

Did you choose that as audio config ?

if yes, that’s ok !
Blank screen with ip address happens when jack isn’t started
you can try to debug that through ssh:
once logged in:
systemctl stop jack2
/usr/local/bin/jackd -P 70 -t 2000 -s -d alsa -d hw:ALSA -r 44100 -p 512 -n 3 -X raw
(these are default parameters for the onboard audio)
Check also that in /boot/config.txt following lines are here:

Just flashed to 2020-05-27 and I didn’t experience any of the issues I got with 2020-5-29. Exact same config.

Kit = Custom
Audio = Rbpi On-Board Audio.

Setup was straight forward.

I’ll go back to 2020-05-29 again for a moment and take a screen shot of the audio settings in v27 to compare them to v29. I will also SSH in and do that check you mentioned.

Thanks for your help.

I can confirm there’s something wrong with audio. I’ve rebooted zynthian to see if assignment of midi cc for controlling sound engines output level are stored in snapshots, but zynthian gave me the error screen.
Without having changed anything in audio configuration, now launching from ssh:
/usr/local/bin/jackd -P 70 -t 2000 -d alsa -d hw:U192k -r 48000 -p 256 -n 3 -s -S -X raw
(arguments for UMC404 HD)gives me:
ALSA: no playback configurations available (Invalid argument)
ALSA: cannot configure capture channel

Not strictly relevant but nevertheless I’ve just updated a build from . . .well a fair while (2019-12-05) ago :slight_smile: on a 7" touch . . .

I’m going to try it with a couple of sequences. Sadly the little plastic stick doesn’t work on it I will probably use a mouse . . .

Anyone know how I can render up a plastic stick that works ?? silver paint on the end that sort of thing …?

Hi Le51.

I flashed back to 2020-05-29 and like before I only get as far as the Splash Screen / Error. I’ve also ran those checks you ask me to and the Boot/config is fine but after I stop Jack and run the next command I get the following error.

So for me right now, 2020-05-27 is good, but 29 won’t work for me at all.

Kind regards

what does the command (through ssh) output:
aplay -l

Displays the following.

/boot$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: b1 [bcm2835 HDMI 1], device 0: bcm2835 HDMI 1 [bcm2835 HDMI 1]
Subdevices: 4/4
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
Subdevice #2: subdevice #2
Subdevice #3: subdevice #3
card 1: Headphones [bcm2835 Headphones], device 0: bcm2835 Headphones [bcm2835 Headphones]
Subdevices: 4/4
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
Subdevice #2: subdevice #2
Subdevice #3: subdevice #3

Hi Wyleu.
A tiny bit of tin foil can help, but depending on your screen it might need to be more like a chunky blob rather than a pin point. Capacitive Screen’s just need it to be a little bit wider than a point.


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again do:
systemctl stop jack2
/usr/local/bin/jackd -P 70 -t 2000 -s -d alsa -d hw:Headphones -r 44100 -p 512 -n 3 -X raw