Keyboard Split Zones: Mapping sounds to note ranges

sorry if this has been asked before, didn’t find something about it yet.

Is this possible? Would be really practical especially for live use if I could load several sounds to different key ranges of my midi keyboard!

I don’t think that this is possible yet.
But @jofemodo wants to enhance the midi rules so that note on/off will be handled as well in the future.

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ok, so this would be something done by the midi rules?
Because if I may suggest in case this becomes a future feature at some time, it would be most practical if it could be done from within zynthian. So that while rehearsing with a band these kinds of things could be achieved without having internet, router and computer at hand.

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Rules are generally independent from webconf.
We could invent a midi learn feature for rules.
At least for some features like midi zones.
Maybe @jofemodo has a different idea though.


A post was split to a new topic: Working on the new Zynthian MIDI Router

Regarding the Key Split Zones, once the improved rules are working (see Working on the new Zynthian MIDI Router) you can easily define different sets of rules and save as different MIDI profiles. This profiles can be loaded from Zynthian UI (Admin Menu).

Moreover, we could include the MIDI profile in the snapshots for a better on-stage experience :wink:



Regarding the “MIDI-learn” feature for keyboard zones … it would be nice to have it. Step by step. Let’s solve the problem at core level, and then add the UX improvements :wink:

The problem is solved at core level:

Let’s walk towards a better UX by adding the learning interface :wink:


So my uses for this -

I have a nice hammer action midi keyboard that only outputs on midi 1 :frowning:

In the end I’d like an easy way to make a split and send left side to midi 3 and right side to midi 5 etc

While I’m playing I’d like to be able to easily modify the midi output as I go by selecting the split section and then turn the dial.

I think a midi learn might be too awkward as I was playing with my hardware sequencer going.

I mostly wouldn’t use this feature as a static mapping or profile.

For me I’d likely leave pianoteq on 1 and then be swapping around to different sounds I’m making on hardware synths on fixed midi channels while I play. I have a hardware sequencer that expects the various synths to be on their assigned channels longer term.

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It is common to add keyboard split points by pressing a key on the keyboard, e.g.

  • Select zynth menu option for key split
  • Press key

I did this in a master keyboard I built with the keys below the split point using the base MIDI channel and keys above the split point using the next MIDI channel, e.g. 1 & 2. (It does not allow keyboard split to be set for base channel 16.) It only handles one split point but it is nice to have more. A new split point will clear the old. To clear all split points I select the first key (or is it the last key? I don’t remember).

This feels like a function the master keyboard should have but I understand that many do not. @hammerandtongs would it be okay to drill in to a menu to select key split?

Before implementing this feature, we should think about the integration with the “Single Channel” mode :wink:

Every layer gets a minimum and a maximum border.
Instead of a single channel mode we have n-channel mode.
The latest n selected layers are active.
And you need to be able to lock a layer, so that is not shifted away

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I like the idea but how do we maintain the current single channel mode that is quite popular?

Like before. Now it is a checkbox but it should be a dropdown of numbers 1…max layers.

Would that get confusing? I set it to 3 then select the three layers I want to play. Then I choose another layer and the first drops off so I now have three other layers. If I want all layers then I need to select all of them. I am not sure if there are many workflows where you would want to have the same quantity of concurrent layers playing then change which ones, i.e. have 1,2,3 then have 3 5,6 then have 1,4,3, etc. It may be better to just have the extra mode send all MIDI input to all layers. I can think of these modes of operation:

  • Multitimbral: Each layer receives its own MIDI channel.
  • Single: Selected layer receive all MIDI channels.
  • All: All layers receive all MIDI channels. Probably the basis for split keyboard.
  • Clone: Multiple layers receives same MIDI channel. May be combined with other modes. Could be used for split keyboard but irksome to configure.

Actually I m using single mode like that.
I have 3 layers and whatever level is top, is assume you want to have the piano in the center, bass left and on top some transposed additional ones.
Then you create four level but 3 layer mode
Piano, min/maxed, locked,
base, Mon lowest, max below min of piano, locked
1 Synth, on top, not locked,
2. Synth, same range, not locked

When you switch between lvl 3 and 4, only that one get changed.