Keyboards with built in 'smarts' about Music Theory - both conventional (eg TheoryBoard) and Microtonal (eg Lumatone) and everything 'in between' - including Brain Interfaces

I like technology applied to music… but I remain faithful to the black and white keys… (you know, pianists are too poor to make the keys of the same color :rofl: ). I imagine me, poor with technology, trying to play Monk with a controller like this… :wink:

Okay - I was watching the European Broadcast Union’s New Year’s Day Concert from Viena and my fingers were idle… so I wrote a plugin that I have initally called, “Chordulator”. It is fairly simple at the moment and only a proof of concept. Pressing a key with the right hand (above the split point) will trigger a chord, based on a chord selection made by pressing a key with the left hand (below the split point). This isn’t a feature rich as the controllers mentioned above but it may be a useful plugin that we can expand to provide functionality our users want.

I have only added three chords so far: major triad, minor triad and Mystical chord. This is just to prove it works. I haven’t yet considered the various mechamisms described above.


I withdraw my comment above; maybe you can be expected to implement every good idea we have!


If something looks fun then I might just be tempted to play… And I needed the fun after that awful stable release fiasco!

I have improved the plugin and added another one so now we have:

Chordulator - Sends MIDI chords when a key is pressed with the right hand. The chord type is defined by which key is pressed with the left hand.
TonalChords - Sends MIDI chords when a key is pressed with the right hand. The chord type is defined by which key is pressed within each octave and are tonal harmonically related. The key of the chord is defined by which key is pressed with the left hand.

I added features like adjusting the set point (default to middle C), enable latch so you don’t need to hold down the left keys and increased the chords to all the ones that I (well, machine learning) could think of. There are only 12 chords available for the tonal plugin and I am not sure whether the default layout is appropriate. Anyone who wants to give feedback…

I reckon these plugins would benefit from being in series with an arpegiator. Who will be the first to post some music using these?

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