Latest Buster SD images use KXStudio repository

Great, switching ALSA to Headphones works for me.
-P 70 -t 2000 -s -d alsa -d hw:Headphones -r 44100 -p 512 -n 3 -X raw

However, if I set the buffer to 256 and reboot, I’m unable to get past the Splash Screen IP error again. The only setting that seems to work is 512.

Kind regards

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Hi Baggypants.
You were right, I checked my Network setup and this time I got the following.

/zynthian/zynthian-ui$ cd /zynthian/zynthian-ui; git remote update origin --prune
Fetching origin

  • [deleted] (none) -> origin/setBfree_consecutive_channels
    b79f657…964c746 master -> origin/master
    99c249c…ad4747b feature/stepseq -> origin/feature/stepseq
    b3e33b9…085d084 zynmixer -> origin/zynmixer
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After getting the sound card working and double checking the internet settings on the Zynthian, Iust ran the software update and now I can access Software/Repositories. That’s great.

At this moment in time then the only thing I’m not able to do is set the sound card buffer to 256.

It’s currently working like this now.
-P 70 -t 2000 -s -d alsa -d hw:Headphones -r 44100 -p 512 -n 3 -X raw

But I would prefer 256. Is this confit correct? It doesn’t seem to want to boot past the Splash Screen when I set it to this.

-P 70 -t 2000 -s -d alsa -d hw:Headphones -r 44100 -p 256 -n 3 -X raw

Kind regards

I’m seeing the same thing. Were you able to get it to 256 before? 5ms latency seems like a lot to ask from a pi.

edit: I think it’s just the onboard card can’t cope. If you set -r 22050 -p 256 -n 2 it will actually boot but the xrun warning light is on permanently. The latency for this is 11.6ms the same at -r 44100 -p 512 -n3 which seems to be telling me “This is a low as latency can get”

Also the onboard needs -n 3 otherwise it sounds like a bad tremolo effect it on.

editedit: -r 22050 -p 256 -n 3 works ok if you don’t mind it sounding a bit “Broadcast FM” but like I say, you don’t gain anything at all in latency of the default

Jul 05 23:21:28 zynthiantouch jackd[396]: configuring for 22050Hz, period = 256 frames (11.6 ms), buffer = 3


configuring for 44100Hz, period = 512 frames (11.6 ms), buffer = 3 periods

TL;DR Buy a HifiBerry DAC+

Hi Baggypants.

Yes, I believe I was. I’ll double check by flashing back to an old version I was using. Thanks a million for all your help.

Kind regards

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