Unfortunately, whilst playing with other displays I seem to have broken the ability to connect to this one (and indeed run Zynthian at all). I am flashing a new image and will retest this but the following are the notes I made when I did it (based on advice from Daniel Müllner):
Enable 1.6" TFT as /dev/fb1 in landscape with pins on left:
TFT Pin | RPi Pin | RPi Header |
VCC | 3.3V | 17 |
GND | GND | 25 |
CS | CE0 | 24 |
RESET | GPIO25 | 22 |
A0 | GPIO24 | 18 |
SDA | MOSI | 19 |
SCK | SCLK | 23 |
LED | GPIO12 | 32 |
- /boot/config.txt:
- dtparam=spi=on
- /etc/modules-load.d/raspberrypi.conf:
- spi_bcm2835
- fbtft_device
- /etc/modprobe.d/fbtft.conf:
- options fbtft_device name=sainsmart18 rotate=90
- /etc/rc.local
- gpio -g mode 12 pwm
- gpio -g pwm 12 900
- Web interface: Hardware->Display:
- Display: Custom device
- Config:
- Width: 160
- Height: 128
- Framebuffer: /dev/fb1
- Web interface: Interface->UI Options:
- Font size: 8
- Font Family: Helvetica
- Enable cursor
Note: GPIO 12 is used to drive LED but should configure this using backlight driver. (I haven’t figured that out yet.)
Note: Enable cursor because I don’t have encoders working yet and this is not a touchscreen.
This little colour display is 35mm tall so would fit neatly in a 1U case. When I have it running again I will add some photos.
My Zynthian is currently a load of jumpers and breadboard on my desk so not the uZynth or anything I can play yet (for wyleu’s obligatory rite-of-passage demo).