LV2 Plugin "Bollie Delay"

Hi @zynthianers!

I just added the “Bollie Delay” to the list. An old request that finally has been attended :grinning:

You can give it a try on the “testing” branch.
Ahhh! After updating, remember to click “Search for new Plugins & Presets” on the webconf’s LV2 tab.


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Ups!! I forgot the :face_with_monocle:


  • Koto SFZ => Bollie Delay => YK Chorus



I forgot to mention that this “Bollie Delay” have a tap-tempo feature that works very well with zynthian. You simply learn the tap-control to some “pad/button” on your MIDI controller and enjoy! Of course, the pad/button must be mapped to CC toggle-action, but today most of MIDI controllers has this feature. If not, you could configure some of the zynthian v4 push-buttons (or any zynthian custom switch).



Thank you @jofemodo !


Sorry to necro an old thread…was wondering if this still works?

Yes. But you would have to enable Bollie Delay from webconf’s LV2 tab, as it’s not enabled by default.

Does anyone have bollie delay tap tempo working on a custom build? I have a pi4b, touch screen, and m-audio oxygen pro. I can’t figure out how to get tap tempo working.

I have tempo mode set to tap, but can’t figure out which control should be receiving the tap - is it the one called “tap”? I’ve tried sending it various CC msgs but can’t get it to work. I can get TAP to turn on/off, but not generate a tempo setting.

In case anyone else is trying to get this to work, I figured out a workaround and wanted to share.

Note that I am running Oram, so this may be subject to change.

It’s possible setting Bollie Delay > Tempo Mode to Tap works in stable. It doesn’t seem to work in oram, at least in a non-kit build.

What does work for me is setting Tempo Mode to MOD/Host, which makes Bollie pick up the tempo from the system tempo.
Bollie doesn’t however display what the current system tempo is in the Host/Mod-Tempo field.

I found I can set the system wide tap-tempo by going to tempo settings, and setting it to internal.
Then I went into webconfig → midi options - under master key actions, set a CUIA of TAP_TEMPO to a note, and then assign that note to a pad on my controller (pay attention to what master midi channel you are using here)

This allows me to set Bollie’s tempo with a pad tap. I’m not a sequencer guy so I don’t mind using the host tempo settings for this.

Hope this is helpful to someone!

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