it’s free of charge until tomorrow (13.99€ otherwise).
More expansive than Caustic…
What is good with Caustic is that it runs on your smartphone, but also on your computer… So you can bring it along with you everywhere you go, and back home, you can plug a keyboard or MIDI controller, and work on your tracks with those tools…
I don’t mean that it has no defects… and I don’t mean that G-Stomper is nothing interesting… (even if it doesn’t seem to include an hammond organ, a FM synth, a KS synth, an additive synth, a modular synth, a vocoder… Like Caustic does…
And Caustic is ca 6€ on smartphones, and free on computer…
okay ! In fact, I’ve got enough musical gear to play with right now. But I’ve installed the app. I will see later if it’s good or not. Maybe it could be funny when traveling by train (when it will be possible again !)
Here’s a couple of tracks I made when I was in Bali relaxing while drinking coconut. Used that app to record some sounds using a couple of coconuts, and tried to explore that G-Stomper features with them. Not master pieces for sure, but good pool-side fun!
You just made me very sad that I am not isolating in Ubud. Been a few times, love the place. Next song should be “Monkey stole my banana!”
Alas, this was a year ago Self isolating in the UK just doesn’t cut it when it comes to percussive coconuts