Metronome C click gets recorded in SooperLooper.
I have 8 synth instruments loaded. Also I have a C click metronom on one of the channels. I want to record a composition using SooperLooper.
I have no issue recording instruments one after annother using record and overbub.
Now the issue I have is with C click metronome. If the output is set to Mixer, I can hear mytronome, but so does Sooperlooper, and the clicks get recorded. If I uncheck that output, I can’t hear the metronome. So how do I record using metronome without click sounds getting on to my loop?
You could use the Zynthian metronome which feeds main output but not the Main Mix- prefader effects.
If you are using Oram you can insert Sooperlooper in a chain and route other chains to it but route the metronome directly to main mixbus.
Thank you very much for your reply!
I’m having trouble finding any reference to Zynthian metronome in the documentation. Can’t find it anywhere.
I am using Zynthian image from 2023. May be the metronome wasn’t there yet?
Perhaps there’s a way to assign some unused GPIO pin (I’m using MCP23017, so there’s lots of unused pins on Raspberry pi) to clock out, add a transistor and a piezo buzzer, to avoid routing metronom through the mixer completely.
Not sure how to do nesessary settings outside of using WebConfig.
Zynaptic is one of the ways to do what I’m thinking about, but currently I can’t order it, and building it would take time.