Midi Filters for Master Channel?


I’m using Zynthian successfully with just a touch screen but I would like to experiment using some of the spare controls on my midi controller keyboard to help navigate the Zynthian UI better.

Unfortunately my controller only produces CCs from its controls, and then only on one midi channel.

If I could insert the midi chain in the feed to the Master channel module I could convert some of the CCs to master channel notes.

I could not find an output routing option in the midi chain to feed the Master Channel module.
Is there a way or should I make it a feature request ?

Hi @MalcolmGillott!

I treid to figure out a way to do this but I don’t think it is possible (without some low-level tinkering). Zynthian does not pass MIDI CC through chains. CC is filtered out early then mapped to controls as defined by MIDI learn. (I did test manually routing MIDI through MIDI effects and could make this work but such routing would need to be done manualy, e.g. with a script that you write and install and run.)

There are various ways this could be implemented so if you submit a feature request describing what you want to achieve (rather than how to do it) then we can consider whether a solution will fit in the scheme.

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