MIDI-FX chain

Actually the original is worth a watch or how much you can see of it . . .


I love that episode! And how applicable! :wink: :laughing:

Is there a chance to use midi plugins to play prime, fifth and octave with one finger on whole keyboard? That should not be related to any scale.
I think that Chord plugin gives that chance but it forcing the scale notes so, for example, in scale Cmajor this works only on white keys. Please if somebody know the way I will be grateful.
I was using “clone and transpose”, but i think that this way does not work now. :frowning_face:
Maybe I’m doing something wrong once again.

Ok, so check request: since I can’t possibly use midi fx for my needs (described above) I am trying “the old way” to use clone and transpose. And unfortunately it doesn’t work. I put a layer on channel 1 and a second on channel 2. I clone 1 into 2 and when i try to transpose layer 2 - transposition doesn’t work. Do you have the same? I am using the latest updated version. One more thing: where has the “detailed layer list” option gone?

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Of course you could have submitted a feature request upstream (like what I just did) to add a chromatic scale to the chords plugin :wink:. That doesn’t guarantee that @x42 will want to implement it or have time to. If he isn’t opposed to the idea but lacks time / inclination to implement then maybe someone might want to do so and submit a pull request.

There’s a whole raft of options like this that would suit pedalboards…

Major scales on the white pedals for Maj, Min, Min, Maj, Maj ,Min, Dim, Maj, etc …

As with a lot of these things it’s the configuration that’s almost more involved than the actual implementation.

Yes! You discovered a bug, my friend. I opened an issue and solved the bug:

The “old way” should be working now. Simply update and test!

Thanks a lot!

Thanks a lot @jofemodo and @riban. :grinning:

Any chance of a sample of the chord process in action …?

Oh yes please, … so that I understand what you are talking about :upside_down_face: cause I’m for sure not using zynthian in all its possibilities.

Hi, this is not exactly any special chord process in action but an example of my other way of using Zynthian. This is fragment of my cover band local show. I’m playing on bass and on one of my DIY pedals.
In this famous song (sorry, not very good performance) it is Zynthian “prime and fifth of chords” along with bass line as accompaniment for guitars playing.


really nice!!

Hi to all Zynthianists,

I would like to revive this thread because I would like to know if I am able to implement this idea.
I assume that I want to dynamically control one of the lv2 engines with the wind controller, e.g. Obxd. I would like to copy one signal on CC2 to the other four, e.g. CC20, CC21, CC22, CC24. And for each new CC adjust the range. In Obxd, it would be enough to assign the appropriate CC to the selected parameters.
Illustratively according to the picture:

I ran into two problems:

  • I did not find the correct procedure for arranging CC Map and ScaleCC so that it corresponds to my ideas of parallel and serial order.
  • I don’t know how to find out CC values entering Obxd. This is due to the control and test mode. It is not necessary for the final solution.

Do you have any recommendations on how to do this?

One lesson from the tests. Experimental FX-midi - MIDI CC Map - CC2 → CC11 → Sfizz. Sfizz has standard CC mapping, with CC11 bound to expression. The raw CC1 signal non processed by MIDI-FX has a GUI response, but the CC11 which has been processed using FX-midi is unresponsive in the GUI, but Sfiiz is responding on values from CC11.