MIDI learn on ZynSampler

Ah! I just tested and can confirm your behaviour. Assigning a CC to zynsampler transport then rebooting does not retain the CC mapping. Please add a ticket to the issue tracker and I will take a look. This is the same behaviour for any engine, not just zynsampler.

You mean I was right??? When @wyleu finds out… you’ll see…!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Jokes aside…Thanks for your endless commitment @riban…I’ll see if I can do what you say…


:joy: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I hope I opened the ticket correctly… When I entered the project of my case it took me two days… I am truly incompetent in these things…

Strange… until yesterday I didn’t see the effects of the buttons I added on the Midi Log of WebConf… This morning… MIRACLE!!!
So the added buttons show their work even if they don’t make Zynthian do what they should…

@riban, I tried to install Vangelis on another SD… With this upgrade the two buttons work… I still have to see if they remain memorized but in the meantime they work.

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Global MIDI binding is per device, per channel, per CC so it should be saved in the snapshot but only work for the same hardware controller / MIDI device.

After lunch I’ll try, but the important thing is that the buttons now interact and work, if then, in the meantime, I have to do the midi learn every time, it’s less important… Thanks.

Negative. Doesn’t remember. But at least the button works now.