Slowly building a Zynthian and had a question about USB support. After reading the minibian page and some other sites regarding this OS, it’s not real clear what the level of USB support is with the ‘stock’ Minibian install. Does Zynthian add USB support during install, or is this in the kernel by default (as one page I looked at suggested additional apt-gets to the base install, one being usbutils )? USB midi is supported (also are USB to DIN midi cables supported), correct?
I think being able to mount a USB drive with samples or patches might be a useful function.
Hi @yogi
I think “the most” of USB devices should be supported directly by the kernel, especially external hdds - but I havn’t tested this. Zynthian does IMHO nothin special for handling USB.
Normally: Yes. It is a question of the used chipset of the hardware and a suitable driver - whatever type of hardware is used.
Mounting an external harddrive for samples seems to be useful, but have in mind, that USB uses CPU and that there are only USB2 interfaces… so dynamicly loadinh of big sample-sets may make problems.
Sorry - no exact answers… only trying helps…
Regards, Holger
OK Thanks, that answers most my questions. Just have to finish up the build and have a play with the box