Is there a way to show the current dB level for all chains ?
When adjusting the level in this view, the is no way to know how much a modification I just made. I’m not a graphical guy anyway so I would very much prefer a “data” view rather then a graphical one.
e.g. :
Lvl : -8 dB
Pan : 0
Where pan would be -1..0..1 or -64..0..64 IDK.
How do you guys set your chain volume in a live performance ?
I think it’s a good idea, and I was hoping someone would chime in with an option re how to turn it on. I have not found any option for it. I think there would be some questions re what the base unit would be, but presumably the specs for a “VU” meter would help answer them.
Would you like to make a feature request via the Issue Tracker?
This would certainly require a feature request to be raised so that it can be tracked and discussed properly. We could also decide whether it is worthy of development.
As far a units are concerned… we will not use the V(irtually) U(seless) spec. (if ther is such a thing)! The meters are calibrated to dBFS, i.e. 0dB is full scale. There is nothing above 0dB. The meters are wighted peak programme meters with decay balistics similar to some PPMs that some of us have used. They have peak hold indication.
I would guess that such a feature might want to display the peak hold value, i.e. the maximum value in the past couple of seconds. A continuously updating, absolute value would be challenging to read (and expensive on resources to implement).