I’m studying the Zynthian, maybe to buy one, but i can’t really answer to the modulation question.
How far is it possible to modulate the different parameters of an engine ?
I mean, i play a lot with VCVRack since years, and i really really love to add some lfo or envelope on a parameter.
When i see all the engines and effect on the Zynthian, one of my first question is how to modulate the parameters ?
Is there some built in LFO, for the engine who don’t have ?
It is possible to assign midi CC message to parameters, but is possible for all the parameters of all the engine ?
And is it possible to make a midi loopback trick, in the same idea of the octatrack ?
Most synth engines have internal LFOs assignable to some interesting parameters. It’s limited, but is the easy way.
If you want (i think this is what you really want) to modulate ANY parameter in zynthian, currently the only way is using the “QMidiArp LFO” plugin combined with MIDI learning.
First you have to update to get latest changes
Create a MIDI chain and add “QMidiArp LFO” plugin. Configure as you want. It has a bunch of interesting options: waveform, frequency, amplitude, offset, loop mode, sync to host tempo, trigger, etc. You could take a look to QMidiArp documentation for learning the details.
From LFO’s chain options, route the MIDI output to the “Router Feedback”, so it gets into the router for MIDI-learning processing
Start transport. You can do it by starting any sequence from Zynpad. It can be an empty sequence.
Create a synth chain (or audio chain, …) and start MIDI learning on the desired parameter. It will be auto-assigned to the LFO that is already running.
A fast test that this really works:
Of course, this procedure is not very comfortable and we have plans to improve it iASAP, probably along the next few months:
Parameter automation via the Step Sequencer. This could be really powerful and flexible and it will allow recording CC while playing, etc.
Implement basic LFO functionality for all parameters, so you can easily assign a basic LFO to any parameter by selecting from the parameter options. Super easy and effective, but perhaps not the more flexible …
Zynthian hosts many synth engines, unlike a modular which is, in effect a single synth engine (despite it being made of lots of modules). So, as @jofemodo describes, you can either use a synth engine’s own sound design features or kinda bodge together something that is a bit like a modular by cascading and linking processors but that is not optimal. Zynthian is not a modular synth. (riban modular is )
ok !! @jofemodo Thanks a lot for your answer, it’s exactly what i wanted to know, you strike in the middle ! For sure the midi tricks is a bit tricky, but not so much as you already build the router feedback functionality. It is already a very good solution for me !
And some built-in LFO would be awsome ! Selecting from the parameter options would be easy, i understand, but for sure not so flexible. I like the elektron way, one specific page with all the LFO and their destination visible, but the name have to be precise so it’s possible to come back later.
And step sequencer would be very nice too, especially with automation !
@riban yes, i see what you say, i’m not searching for modular synth, vcvrack is all i need for that purpose ! I’ve got a Zoia, and i spend to much time in the patching process, it is the reason why i’m looking for alternative, and Zynthian seems to be a good alternative for me.
It’s just that i like modulation
thanks a lot for yours answers and have a nice one !
I just remembered that the QMidiArp LFO plugin has a nice native GUI that can be accessed by VNC:
With this native GUI you can configure your LFOs and save as presets that you can easily load from the zynthian-UI, where you can modify any LFO parameter too.
Of course, you can also design your LFOs from the zynthian-ui, but it’s not so “nice” and easy to understand, and perhaps some option is difficult to access, specially the “record” functionality.