More than 10 voices [SOLVED]

Is it zynthian or the linux engines, that we only have 10 voices? hitting more than 10 keys…happens and don’t tell me, that I only have 10 fingers :slight_smile:

Can we change that?


Hi @mheidt!

What engine has the problem?


fluid, sampler, synth…all of them?
Or do masterkeyboards filter as well? I only checked with my PC-180 (Roland)

AFAIK, there is no such a limit in any of the engines. Probably is your Master KB that “implements” this feature. You should increase the limit :wink:

Hi @mheidt!

Did you solve this issue?

It was the PC 180 again. A real master keyboard can handle more than 10 fingers :slight_smile:

You mean… the nose too ??

Don’t get me started enumerating other possibilities.
But pressing two keys with the thumb is one. :slight_smile:

