Mounting the pcb in a different case

Hi Zynthians,
I’am going to build my zynthian in a different case. For mounting the pcb screwless i print some frames by a 3D printer. The pcb can now easyly bond on any place in a case.
If I find out how to upload picture I will add one.

P.S.: Uploading didn’t work from my Tablet.?!


Use this key, or just drag&drop or paste the image in the editor.

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Hello @Roman,

it looks very nice. I’d like to see some more pictures when you build all parts together.
Grüße aus dem Sauerland!

Have fun and God bless you, Marius

Hi Zythian’s,

I’m started preparing the Zynthian in a German Standard Box. I use the printed frame and glue the MCU and the extended PCB to the bottom of it.


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and at the end, all together.

Finished ? Never, now I can start to explore the Zynthian world.


Looks a bit like syfi staff :slight_smile:
Nice case !

Woaoo! Nice Zynthian, Roman! It takes to my mind the Holger’s superdisco-zynthian. Congratulations, my friend!!

Stupid (late) question: how to you connect the green 3D-printed mounting frames with your case?

Regards, Holger

I glue it with “Loctite Kraftkleber”. Thats the reason I print the frames and screw the PCB’s on this. So you can place the PCB elsewhere, means on every flat surface.


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that’s pretty cool! Luckily, I just bought a 3D printer, so I will try this for my next cases. One question from a 3D-print-newbie (and off-topic, sorry): Which software do you use for designing your objects?

Regards, Holger

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Hi Holger,

I use openscad as CAD. I append the both files I had prepared for zynthian.


All_in.scad (743 Bytes)
Raspberry_frame.scad (721 Bytes)

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Fusion 360 by Autodesk for almost everything that is not a gear. Openscad for gears, pulkeys, and other “math-and-curses described parts”.

I see Autodesk are still making CAD an expensive process… :frowning:

Uhm… 0 euro for an official Fusion360 full license if you’re a student, an hobbyist or a startup doesn’t sound so expensive to me…

Hi @Roman,

many thanks! OpenSCAD seems to be the way I understand: programming instead of clicking :wink:

Regards, Holger

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Sorry ddn’t see that bit, just saw educational, probably a little bit prejudiced from the way the prices went up when I used it back when the earth cooled. . .

OpenSCAD seems to be the way I understand

You’ll change your mind in the precise moment you’ll need a FOR cycle. Forewarned is forearmed :wink:

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What do you mean with FOR cycle. You can easily programm an iteration. If is that whar you mean?

Yes, I know, else I couldn’t do gears :wink:
But the way OpenSCAD handles variables is… quite strange, compared to any other language… at least in the very old version I learnt and still use.