Multi-layer keys

I’m wondering if I am using zynthian correctly. What i’ve wanted to do for a while is to set up 4 or 5 layers which are all triggered from one midi channel. I want to play my song on the piano and hear 5 different sounds all triggered at once. E.g. piano, ep, pad1, pad2, bass. Then mix volumes with the mixer etc. I tried to switch to multi timbral mode? Is that a good idea?

In order to get the sounds all playing I seem to need to use midi clone… but then I lose the mix when I use the mixer because it switches to soloing just that sound, or in multi timbral mode I get no sound because I’m assuming each layer is pegged to a midi channel.

If I can get a multi layer set up like that to work, my next dream is to be able to swap a snapshot quickly, how would one do that?

Results so far, I’m enjoying…

The sample is using pianoteq, dexed and zynaddsubfx so just 3 layers.

Set Zynthian to multi-timbral mode and clone from chain 1 to the other 4 chains then play on MIDI channel 1. It won’t matter which chain you have selected if you have mult-timbral mode selected.

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OK thanks. What about is there a fast way to change sounds?

Look for ZS3 in the user documentation in the wiki.

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