Multiple sound cards

In the hope of adding extra inputs/outputs to an existing zynthian setup. E.g.: On a V5 kit, to add any generic USB audio interface and to use it in combination of the existing internal sound card in the V5.

What about using either :

  • zita-ajbridge
    • zita-a2j
    • zita-j2a
  • alsa
    • alsa_in
    • alsa_out

Does anyone here have a reliable success|failure story to share ?

I started this thread to prevent necroposting in the one bellow.

Also :

Search hotplug in this forum.


Wow @wyleu, looks like everything is there. I’ll take a look at all that and of course do some testing. Quite exciting !

Well, it turns out that :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: IT JUST WORKS ! Holly is that an awesome thing ! What genius is behind all this wizardry ?!


Oh it’s another one of @riban 's desperate attempts to gain social acceptance…


But they still keep me locked in the dungeon with only a scrap of shoe leather to mop the dregs of the avian broth that is served every other week, if I have produced sufficient code. Double portion for Christmas was my punishment!


We will throw in a slug or two…

Makes it slightly chewy…