"Music is the best"


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“8 Hour Work Day Innie Mix” - perfect for the office. The theme song composed by Theodore Shapiro, according to SlashFilm, wanted the theme to convey the idea that “somebody’s self fraying”
Sounds perfect for the 1st day of my next contract.


New release of Steven Wilson.


Gorgeous, as often (always?) with Wilson.

I follow this marvel guy closely: in my opinion - alongside the parent band Porcupine Tree and the collateral branches No-Man and Tim Bowness - by far the most remarkable English musical act/scene of the last 20-30 years.

All the Love of the Universe

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Never knew this was a cover.

ok, so not really music, but an interview about music…

I think he would fit in very well at zynthclub.

to do list :-
get a tank
get a bank

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8 hours !

& blank frank

Descartes a Kant - After Destruction

I’m pretty sure that’s a Zynthian V9 behind the guitar players!


I DO like that.


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Lou Deprijck (the compositor *) has died, not Plastic Bertrand the singer.

(*) Well as the article mentioned this is quiet a long story.
But Lou is also known for having housed the “musée du slip” from Jan Bucquoy and being a good friend of Noël Godin (“l’entarteur” and writer of “anthology of carabined subversion”(more than 800 sheets of selected subversive texts from Alphonse Allais to Zarathustra)

So yes RIP, my good old Belgian fellow

Great visuals and theatrics, fantastic jetson-ish outfits and guitars, lovely retro-gaming sequencer enclosure and interface, interesting post-post-punk/wave sonic imprint.

Metapop for us grown-up boys.

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Since 30 years at least, Raoul Petite is on the road for our pleasure. This french bans is the proof that humour definitively belongs to music and that music is the best

I saw them yesterday and it was great


I have this Santana LP on vinyl like almost all of his “old” works… Santana was the FIRST “modern” composer I listened to after years and years of Classical Music.

New Album from dutch band „The grand east“

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