My red lightning bolt warning

MOD-UI is very pretty and quite cool but it does have some limitations. You can do what you describe using standard Zynthian layers, e.g.

  • Add an Audio-FX layer, e.g JV/MDA Dynamics
  • Highlight the layer in the layer screen and Bold press the Select switch to show the layer’s context menu
  • Select “Audio Capture” which will show a list of the audio inputs available
  • Select / deselect as required, e.g. select only the left input
  • Within same layer context menu, select “Audio Output” which shows a list of audio destinations available including soundcard outputs, inputs to plugins, etc.
  • Select / deselect as required, e.g. select only the left output
  • Within same layer context menu, select “Add Audio-FX” to add more plugins to the effect chain
  • Repeat for other channel, i.e. add effect layer, route inputs and outputs, add other effects


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