Neural Amp emulation plugin

Hi All,

I have made a contact with lead person from Aida dsp in regards of having possibility to get their premium models of marshal, egnater tweaker and fender amps as lv2 plugins so that people can purchase them and use them on zynthian too.

They want to sell them as plug-ins through their web site but have not had time yet to invest in packaging them as lv2 or VST plugins.

He read this thread and said that he will create discord channel for discussing all issues that we have discovered as well as possibility to help them to package premium models as lv2 plugins. He will contact us here when it is ready.

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Hi All,

I have collected a lot of information about different aida-x amp models (around 30) and stored them in excel.

I can add them to zynthian wiki instead of keeping them in excel. Can somebody advise me the best page on zynthian wiki to add them ?

Here is the excel file:
aida-x-information.xlsx (20.1 MB)


I have created a page in the right place: AIDA-X - ZynthianWiki. This is linked from here.

Will you please upload your table.

Note that there is a spelling mistake to correct first: you spelt allowed incorrectly in the license column.

The brunetti rows do not have license info. These are AIDA-X Cloud licensed so cannot be redistributed without author’s permission.

I would recommend showing the actual license name and adding a column “Redistributable”. (There would currently only be one tick in that column!)

[Edit] Do all (any) of these models actually work in AIDA-X. Some are for NAM that seems to use a different json format for its model and I haven’t managed to make any load into AIDA-X.

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Hi All,

Here is the AIDA DSP discord channel invitation where we can engage with AIDA DSP developers in discussing improvements required for better adoption by zynthian.

I’m not sure what has changed but I can no longer load models or IRs using the AIDA-X native GUI. I can navigate to the files but it doesn’t seem to take.

I started to look at other solutions like NAM which is a simpler implementation. No EQ or IR, just input and output level controls. It may be a better fit in Zynthian where we can add those other effects separately.

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Sebastian here from AIDA DSP. Srdjan contacted us regarding our AIDA-X plugin and the integration of it.

Just up front some resources for people interested in this:

Our Youtube

You can find models on up until the end of august.
We are in the process of merging it to All Models | ToneHunt

Most of the files (.aidax) have meta data with some basic info (amp, style, gain etc.) or are tagged.

Would be nice to know how many people are actually interested into this. At the moment its just Massimo (lead dev) and me. So we are very limited in time to invest.

But still looking forward of hearing from the community.

PS: over at the MOD Forum there is also a lot of info.



I don’t have this problem. I tried it now and before and after the oram update. I can load the amp.

I still have the same problem as before. Model name after changing it in native UI does not show in the native UI even though it is definitely used by AIDA-X. It always shows the default model tw40

You can see from screenshot above. I have changed the model in the top AIDA-X window but it still shows tw40
 However it plays the new model what is important :slight_smile:

Also I spotted another problem, I am playing at the moment through headphones where roomy reverb is important when playing distorted tone so that it does not sound as you lean your ear against the speaker. This is a common problem for all digital amps. Roomy reverb native UI does not show that I have reduced Dry Wet Mix on zynthian screen. So even Roomy reverb is not reflecting in native UI what is happening on the device. Here is what I see on zynthian screen that it does not match what is on native UI:

There is an issue describing the lack of sync between Zynthian UI and plugin’s native GUI. This is a technical limitation, mostly upstream, i.e. changes to the plugin controls via valid control methods are not reflected in native GUIs. This may be a jalv.gtk issue or maybe its the plugin developers - either way it is mostly beyond our control.

I wasn’t convinced the models were being loaded (because the models I had installed were too similar) but you are right - the AIDA-X LV2 plugin’s native GUI is not showing the currently loaded model or IR. This is another bug that needs to be reported upstream! @jofemodo reported two issues on their issue tracker which were rejected on the basis we should be using the mod-ui version but this does not fit our (almost DAW-like) use case. The LV2 produced by the main AIDA-X project should work. It is offered in their stable release as a binary download which is what we use but also, the most recent git version compiles with the same issues.

@spunktsch it is good to hear from you. Welcome to our community. As you will see, we have recently revisited AIDA-X having previously decided it unsuitable due to its high CPU usage. We have since discovered that this high CPU is actually an issue with the native GUI running in a VNC connected X server, and in fact the plugin will run on a RPi3 if we disable that. So we got excided by the prospect of using it in Zynthian. We found some other issues with the LV2 which we reported but did not get a positive response - maybe you might want to reconsider but currently it seems that you are recommending that we do not use AIDA-X DSP.

If @spunktsch recommends that we avoid using this plugin then we can revisit the NAM plugin which I have complied (along with the GUI) which I have working on Zynthian. It is simpler but works. (Of course, many of the issues that we have with AIDA-X are with features that do not exist in NAM.) I am erring towards NAM because it may fit our current configuration better. We could load the model using our preset system and then use a different IR host for impulse response which we could load IR through the preset system. Trying to build something that will allow loading both model and IR in a single plugin is some dev work and a change of our zynthian model - not insurmountable but a bit more work.

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@riban, thanks for great summary.

I have heard that NAM is much more CPU demanding than AIDA-X. I could be wrong.

This is very important no matter what amp plugin we use. This looks simple: GitHub - brummer10/ImpulseLoaderStereo.lv2: This is a simple, stereo, IR-File loader/convolution LV2 plug

You may have heard it here!!! It is difficult to assess whilst AIDA-X is maxing out all cores due to this closed issue.

There are a couple of IR loaders already in Zynthian. I also compiled the one by brummer10 which seems to work - kinda. I have had a few instances of plugins apparently going silent but having output on meters - like full scale d.c. This has been reported against another plugin (Boley delay) but I saw it today whilst testing these plugins. I am concerned that there may be a common library that is flawed, maybe inappropriate use of integer size??? We seem to have only seen it since moving toe 64-bit.

it is when using the standard WavNet models. AIDA-X is much more efficient and leaves room for other effects and the IRs.

the issue is likely a combination of vnc and DPF framework (which is used by the AIDA-X gui).
Maybe we should start there.

But I think the effort of fixing such nichĂ© use-cases isn’t worth the headache.

Unfortunately, this is currently the only way to expose the native GUI in Zynthian and hence the only way to load models and IRs. It effectively makes AIDA-X unuseable on Zynthian, which is a pitty.

Yes this is the likely culprit. DPF is neat but can be a little challenging to debug.


Can we do this by enhancing zynthian ui instead of depending on native plugin ui and vnc. @jofemodo mentioned that there are two lv2 ports on aida-x to control amp model and IR load that zynthian ui can’t use at the moment.

Another way of loading models and amps can be through preset. For example, we could create a bash script which will create presets and banks ttl files based on agreed directory structure exposed through zynthian web config ui. So user can simple create folder for bank and subfolder for preset and upload model json and IR wav file into preset folder using web config ui and click on generate preset that will trigger a script for generating ttl files and moving them to aida-x preset folder. Bank folder name will represent bank name in ttl and preset subfolder name will represent preset name inside the bank.

I can create a bash script for this but webconfig ui will need to be extended.

I would prefer to extend the existing webconf upload mechanism to implement custom upload processing. That would be fairly simple but it doesn’t resolve the problem of one preset mechanism for two file selections.

We use jalv as our LV2 host which is not as feature rich as we would like. I occasionally review alternative LV2 hosts but none provide sufficient features or integration mechanisms to justify the effort to integrate them into Zynthian. We may need to write our own but it will take quite a bit of effort

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If we advise users to use a separate IR host then aida-x preset could be option. We can by default disable default IR on aida-x when generating the preset with only json file is presented to n folder (no wav file).

I know, it is far from perfect.

Anyway, i still use vnc and set what i need using native ui and i don’t have problems even with high cpu on rpi5. I really enjoy the sound produced by aida-x that this weekend I sold my hx-stomp on eBay.

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There is another reason why preset aproach is probably easiest to start with. if you set something using native ui it is not saved after restart. However if you save it as a preset it is loaded on restart.

We definitely don’t want to use the plugin’s GUI for control. That should be done in Zynthian. It’s just the files that we don’t have a mechanism to load. I will look at the changes required to set state values in jalv which will facilitate loading model and IR separately. We could do something with the UI widget to provide a way to select IR.

I am also looking at the issue with meters not working when native GUI is not used.

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Yes, I spotted that too.