New Engine: Pianoteq

When we talk to Modartt it might be good to know, not only if but how much you would pay for a licence.


Prices: Pianoteq6-Stage costs $129

It comes with 2 instrument packs, you can select either Acoustic, Electric or Vibraphones Pianoteq6 flavor.

There are 17 add-on Instrument Packs selling for $59 each. (SteelPans has to be the most odd one) There are also 14 Free instruments you can add.

Have you tried the demo version?

Hi @C0d3man & @mheidt !

First of all … congratulations for your excelent work with the new Pianoteq engine! It’s a great step forward for putting Zynthian on the stages. As you know, i’m a great lover of Free Software, but the quality of Pianoteq emulation is so good, that i must recognize that there is nothing comparable in the Free Software world. That’s the true. Zynthian is and will be a completely Open Platform forever, but i think is good to have open doors for software like this. As a musician, i’m completely in love with it :heart_eyes:

As you know, i’ve bought a personal Pianoteq license with “Electric Pianos” & “Hohner Collection” pack and an extra “Steinway D”. As i told above, the quality of that software justify the money for those people that really want to have a proffessional “Zynthian Piano Station” :wink:

I’ve a technical question. You explain that:

But i see that the webconf tool have the possibility of adding a license key. Is it this option working OK or must i start Pianoteq GUI login with “ssh -Y” as you set in your post?


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The webonf displays the key only.
We need a new api call to get rid of the X11 forwarding step.

The current problem is, that you have to generate a license-request with Pianoteq and your license-key. Therefore you need the GUI. You can create a license online or offline with copying the generated request t oa stick and activating the license via browser. But theres no other way to generate the license-request without starting the Pianoteq-GUI (via ssh -X).

The current license-key entry in webconf is a kind of placeholder for later extending a in-system-license (if Modarrtt will support this feature).

Regards, Holger

Modartt released Pianoteq-6.1.1. Hope the new binary will also work with the engine.

Regards, Holger

[EDIT] :sob: Oh nooo… Modartt has improved their spatialisation technique which takes much more CPU. For now the new version 6.1 has drop-outs on the Raspi3. I have to try which parameters will work. Also there is currently a problem with reading the configuration file… fixes for Zynthian will come asap.

Ok - new features making it possible again to run Pianoteq-6.1.1 on the Raspi with not much problems. The feature is called “Multicore MAX”. I will fix this in the scripts after some testing.

Here are some examples (recorded by myself - so please excuse my not perfect playing :wink: )

Steinway D - Jazz:

Rhodes MKI - Flanger:

Rhodes MKII - Jazzy:

CP80 - Recording:

Regards, Holger


I have a license for PianoTeq 6 Standard. The web configuration tool seems to work only for PianoTeq Stage. Would it be possible to add support PianoTeq Standard (I may even do it, provided some guidance)?


P.S: this PianoTeq support brings Zynthian to another level yet, trying it for the first time practically brought me to tears.


Of course! Let’s do it, please :wink: I will be really happy of doing it or helping you. I would need the standard binary and the license key. Of course, after the task is done, i will delete the key and you can remove my device from the list. I’ve my “stage” license that is pretty enough for me :wink:

Ohhh! I’m in love with Pianoteq from the very first time i play a note. Having it on my zynthian is a f*** dream!! :heart_eyes:



Hi, after upgrading Pianoteq stage to version 6.3 (which btw. includes excellent czech made piano Antonín Petrof), the Pianoteq menu item disappeared from available layers list. I tried to update Zynthian and reboot, but it did not solve the problem.


When I tried to downgrade pianoteq to v 6.2, it got even worse: webconf on Software->Pianoteq gives me error 500 - where can i find webconf logs? And when selecting UI->NEW Synth Layer->Pianoteq 6.2 STAGE, it gives me “ERROR:root:Can’t add layer Pianoteq 6.2 STAGE => no element found: line 1, column 0” on console, when run with /zynthian/zynthian-sys/sbin/ Can i force-update pianoteq stuff and clean configuration from command line?

Are you upgrading demo versión? No license?


No, I have a license and used the upload form on webconf.

can I find webserver logs anywhere?

I did not have the energy to diagnose it more. What I did I reflashed the SD card, updated to the latest version of zynthian and installed pianoteq version 6.3 and activated the license again. Now it works ok.


There is no log. You need to start the webconf in a SSH session to see the error message.
Or zynthian itself, when you want to hunt a red error boot screen.

As i have explained several times, file journal is disabled in zynthian for reducing the risk of SD card corruption, but you can enable it by creating the “journal” directory in /var/log.


Pianoteq works flawlessly on my Zynthian.
Now I will decide what to do with my Kurzweil PC2 Rack and my Nord Electro2 Seventythree which become total obsolete.

First, I played the Nord through a very good Leslie Emulation (Neo Instruments Ventilator),I needed a shimmer-like reverb, too.
I could replace both effects units through Moddevices Mod Duo.
With Zynthian I now can play my favourite Pianoteq CP80 and much more pianos through my favourite LV2 rotary plugins and shimmer reverb. Fantastic.

I own the Steingraeber and Grotrian as well as Hohner Collection and Electric Collection and I am totally happy!
Installing 6.3 version and the free Bells and Carillons as well as KiViR through was a piece of cake.
I installed my license via ssh (PuTTy and XMing) on Win7.

Greetings and God bless you, Marius