Was looking for a fun project for my studio and saw zynthian…
Already had a pi 3a and a hifiberry standard card so I thought I’d download it before buying a kit.
Trouble is it keeps showing a zynthian login prompt and screen flashes.
Before this it says starting hold until boot process finishes up…
Can anyone help?
Using an HDMI monitor to see this btw.
I’m using an official rpi power supply and booting from a Kingston 64gb micro sd xc in case that makes a difference?
You probably need to change the hardware config as the base image is setup for a kit.
Have you tried accessing the webconfig?
Make sure the pi and your pc are on the same network and type zynthian.local in a browser window.
Also have a look here.
Thanks for your help.
After looking through the forum I did wonder about remotely checking… though as the 3a is wireless network only so im going to have to buy a usb to rj45 adapter.
or you check the internet how to enable wifi via ssh on a rasbian installation
Probably have to put a wpa_supplicant.conf in the boot partition to setup wifi. On first boot. Or turn on the hotspot. and logon to zynthian.local
and configure it in webconf.
Thanks the advice everyone. I’m new to pi as you can probably tell though I’m happy I’ve finally jumped in.
Have set up wireless in the wpa_supplicant file and I can see it connected in my routers gui.
Sadly the ip or address name are not working in my Windows browser or in putty so I’m going to have to scan Google… must be close to talking to the pi by Now!