New MODGUI for dexed.lv2 and some fixes

Hi :zynthianic:'s

I have added @popololo46 nice MODGUI creation for dexed.lv2. It’s integrated inside the repository. Also I added the latest fixes for Dexed (especially for envelope handling).

@jofemodo: Can you integrate it into the “daily” update?

Thanks @popololo46!

Regards, Holger

P.S.: @jofemodo: Can you add the other MODGUI’s also?


Maybe you could open a feature request so that he can manage this with everything else.
Great idea tho, thanks!

Hi @C0d3man!

Thanks a lot to @popololo46 for this fantastic GUI and thank you, @C0d3man, for integrating and testing.

The daily builds will take the latest version from your dexed’s repository. On existing SD images, the update system should update the installed dexed version too.

Regarding this, i don’t fully understand what you do mean. Please, could you be more specific?

The best!

Hi @jofemodo
Thanks for updating dexed.lv2!

Sorry. I meant @popololo46 post: HELP NEEDED: Create nice MOD-GUIs - #34 by rod_amaral

He made some more nice MOD-GUIs and perhaps we can integrate them? I don’t know what’s the best way to do it… a script? Or a complete install of the repository no matter if the plugin is installed?

Regards, Holger


git clone
cd modgui
sudo sh


Many thanks @popololo46 !!!

I will integrate it into the next hours. I haven’t had a chance to look at the new modgui yet. Are there buttons for portamento now?

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