New official soundcard: ZynADAC v1.0

Hi @zynthianers!

We have new official soundcard:

an open hardware design for an open hardware project, right? :wink:

It has the same features you are used to because it uses the same DAC/ADC Burr Brown chips, powered by 3 ultra low-noise voltage regulators (LDOs) and synced by 2 high-stability oscillators, which guarantees the lowest noise & jitter. Also, it’s fully compliant with the RBPi HAT specification.

How could it be otherwise, our inspiration has been the excellent designs from HifiBerry, that we have been using for years and we really love. Now it’s time to fly alone …

You can read the details in the zynthian blog:

And you can check the design on github:

BTW, the kit v4 is available again on the shop, until end of existences.



Awesome. Congratulations.

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Looking forward to receiving it. I put in an order earlier tonight!


Hi @test welcome.
Did you have a look at the zynthian github hardware

You you will need Kicad Open Source software tool for opening PCBs projects files and generate BOM file if it ever doesn’t already exist.

thank you very much ))

Hi @test!

Attached is the BOM i used for manufacturing the latest ZynADAC batch.

BOM ZynADAC Eonica - 09-2022.ods (20.4 KB)

And please, choose a better nickname for the forum :wink:


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thanks a lot for the link and help. I’ll take note of the recommendation :grinning:

I don’t mean “test” can’t be an interesting nick. Perhaps you would like to keep it … :grin: