New Pure Data Patch: EuclidianZ

Here’s another new Pure Data patch for Zynthian. (1.3 MB)

This patch is a Zynthianized version of the Organelle patch named Euclidian Rhythms. The patch contains 24 sampled drum sounds and you can play up to eight of the sounds at a time. The notes can be latched on. You can easily modify the drum pattern with the Euclidian Controls. The patch allows you to record and playback 14 sequence note patterns.


Uauu! Superfun @ronsum!

And it have MIDI output so you can route the rhythms to other chains.
Would be possible to switch-off the audio engine to save CPU when you only want the MIDI output?



The patch quits generating midi notes when dsp is turned off. However, I did make a revision that may help reduce CPU usage a little bit. Now when you turn the Master Volume in the patch to 0, it will also interrupt the midi notes that trigger the drum samples. Here’s the revised patch: (1.3 MB)