New PureData patch: PlaitZyn

This is a polyphonic version of the Mutable Instruments Plaits module for the PureData engine. It includes 16 presets I created. Most of the presets will make completely different sounds if you select different Models. You can create you own presets and save them in the ‘User’ presets 9 through 16. To save a User preset, select a ‘Save to Slot’, then change ‘Save Preset’ to Yes in less than 1 second after selecting the desired Slot #. This helps prevent accidental overwriting of User presets. (515.4 KB)


Try to open the patch with PureData on macOS, give me the error “plts~ …could not create”. Missing the maxOS-version plt~.pd?

Could be, I only tested it on Zynthian Oram.

Missing plts~ could be, because it’s an extension not a patch for puredata. To be compiled first of all for the corresponding OS. Kind of a OS-specific plugin.
the *.dll file and the .pd_linux files are those. On maxOS you’d need the corresponding library files.

EDIT: You can probably have a look at GitHub - jnonis/pd-plaits: Mutable Instruments Plaits for Pure Data and copy the plts~.darwin file into the same folder. Perhaps it works.

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@ronsum: great work. Especially the @wyleu bells :rofl:
MI plaits also can be played without the internal AD envelope, if the trigger_active is set to 0. Kind of sustaining.
Would this be possible?

I wasn’t aware of that. I just tested and it works. I’ll try to post a revised patch later today. Do you know of any other MI plaits features I missed?

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Not really, if you are talking about the software version.

The hardware plaits has a different behaviour if cables are plugged into FM plug, which could not be done by software (until we would have CV support in LV2 plugins), hence turning FM knob always leads to some kind of FM sweep (following the internal AD curve).

The only thing which comes into my mind is related to the name: Emilie Gilles asked not to use Plaits in products names derived from the original plaits software. This is why others call software which uses plaits software i.e. “Macro Oscillator” or “plts” or anything else in their replicas. I don’t know whether “PlaitZyn” is far away enough, it’s definitely not “Plaits”. I always take into account, that it was a really great offer to the community to make her DSP code public…


I assure you I named it PlaitZen thinking it would different enough. But now that you mention it, I think a vastly different name would be more appropriate. When I post the revised patch I will give it a new name. Thanks for pointing this out.

It’s just my thoughts… no offend. It’s a puredata patch, not a sold product, though.

… hm … PolyPlts, PolyMacroOsc, PMO, … hm, not as cool as PlaitZyn.

I’ve changed the patch name to WeaveZen and revised the patch by adding a control for Trigger Active, Off=0. I’m not sure if it does what is expected, but it does change the sound of the selected preset. (513.0 KB)


Thanks a lot @ronsum ! I love you included some nice “bell preset” :raised_hands:

If you agree, I would add the patch to the official zynthian library.

The best!

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Please do, and you are free to include any patches I post. I have another one to post very soon, probably later today.