New song using the zynthian

In this song i use 3 Synths on the Zynthian
ZynSubfx synth for the Pad Sound at the beginning
TALNoismaker for Juno Bassline
Odin2 for the Hookline in the Middle


a Modded Behringer TD-3 and a RE-303
Akai Jura and Tubohm Jeannie for the little pluck line in the background.

Behringer RD8 and RD9

Sequenced ,Recorded and Arranged at Synthstrom Audible Deluge.

Have fun…


Really nice, congrats :+1:
It’s getting harder around 4:30 :sunglasses:

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Me likes :slight_smile:
I see you have been a very busy bee making music. Is this a hobby or your actual job?

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It is a hobby and my Love…

Awesome work - wonderful song!

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