New testing image Bookworm Oram 64bits

It’s fixed now:



Thank you so much @jofemodo, and also @riban for promptly taking notice :pray:

I updated Oram and it works just fine, with the USB Host Midi setting duly saved in the snapshot!

All best regards :grinning:

PS: The more I delve into Zynthianworld, the more I realise how selfless and remarkably generous is the endeavour of the Z-Labs devs, who make a complete music workstation available for free to everyone with a Raspberry, not only to those who proudly own the cleverly designed dedicated hardware. This is clearly in the sign of the truest open-source generosity, but coupled with an uncommon level of technical expertise and personal commitment to the project. All of this is heartwarming, in this troubled time and age. Thank you guys indeed.


Hi @riban snd @jofemodo :slight_smile:

What is the function of the (maybe new, maybe it slipped off my eyes) MIDI-USB mapped by port option in the latest Oram’s Main/Admin page?


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That allows you to decide whether the identification and routing of MIDI ports is based on the physical USB port, e.g. plugging a device into port 3 will be identified different to plugging the same device into port 2. With this option disabled, it doesn’t matter which physical port you plug the device into but, if you have several of the same type of device (that identify with the same name) and want / need to distinguish between them, then you need to enable this option and ensure you always plug the same device into the same port. (Most of us musicians can manage to plug the same plugs into the same holes. Some may need coloured labels to help them!)

The physical port is recorded in the snapshot but with this option disabled, the physical port part is ignored.


Thank you @riban :+1:

This fully covers my question.

It absolutely makes sense, and there are indeed use scenarios where one needs to hook to the Zynthian more midi controllers and/or sequencers of the same kind, but with specific settings.

Will give it a try when the opportunity arises!

This is functionality that some users will never need but some users will find invaluable. If you have multiple identical devices then you do really want to be able to differentiate between them. Note also that you can rename MIDI ports and this is associated with the fully qualified name (uid) so you can differentiate between two identical USB MIDI interfaces.

For example, if you plugged in two of these:

You could call them by different names and, as long as you always plugged them into the same ports, they would consistently present correctly. Further, this also works through USB hubs so you could plug your devices to an external USB hub in the correct (consistent) order and get the expected results. I would recommend using clearly distinguishable lables on on the USB plugs and sockets, e.g. coloured labels so that you always plug your rig up the same way.


I stumbled across another possible error. I am using a headless Pi5 with an Hifiberry dac+ adc pro card (which i turned to Hifiberry DAC+ ADC to work). VNC Server ist switched on, but without having a HDMI monitor plugged into the system i cannot connect with VNC. The VNC Option for viewing in webconf also is not showing. If i plug in a HDMI display and restart, it works. Display is set to gerneric HDMI without further options.
It is possible, that it has something to do with me having a HDMI Cable plugged into the mini HDMI port of the Raspberry, but not into a display. This possibility occured to me, when i was home from reherseal, where the system is located and i will be there again this friday to test it.


I wanted to backup my zynthian via the web interface and it crashed.
I found out that if a symbolic link was being backed-up and the actual file it links to does not extist, the backup crashes. (It is zynthian in combination with a 64 bit AIDA-X lv2 that can load models (This is not possible in the Zynthian AIDA-X version…))
Apparently this is caused by the phython zipfile script… it cannot copy symbolic links… )-:
What to do? Anybody any suggestions?

(Perhaps one solution to exclude the preset directory in the exclusion file of the webconf backup? Unfortunately I cannot exclude a whole directory path with a wildcard. I mean you can exclude a single directory but not a directory and all directories ‘below’ … or… is that possible?)

Thanks and cheers,

Could you submit a report using the webconf reporting mechanism…?

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(and you are right, like Brian also stated several times… WRITE bug/problem reports so that it is visible and managable (free translation))

Thanks for being precise! :slight_smile:
An for al the good work


Thanx for that.

Please, does someone know how to set HDMI resolution on RPi5 in Oram? My display works just out-of-the-box on a Rpi4 at the correct resolution without any setting (as soon as the kernel starts, at least), but when connected to RPi5, the resolution is always just 640x480. I tried both the legacy settings for config.txt suggested by the vendor and the new Kernel ModeSettings in cmdline.txt according to the Rpi documentation, but nothing works. Thanks.

Does the display work correctly on the RPi5 when just using RaspiOS, not Oram?

Honestly, I didn’t try yet. In addition, my SD card died so I do not have any spare one to play with at the very moment.

OK, it shouldn’t make a difference because Oram runs a “stock” kernel (Migrating ZynthianOS to RISC-V, project name Zynia - #23 by jofemodo) , I just thought it might point us one way or the other.

Surprisingly, using the preset “WaveShare 7 HDMI+GPIO 1024x600” (why “GPIO” and not “USB”?) in the webconf display settings finally works.


Yeah, and the winner is:


That is the only important config line from the above mentioned preset. With this overlay, the “General HDMI/DSI Display” preset works as well. And no other setting is actually needed anymore. The kernel sets the display size correctly by itself!


Hi All,

Here is is my first contribution and shell script…
It has to do with 'I wanted to backup my zynthian via the web interface and it crashed.
I found out that if a symbolic link was being backed-up and the actual file it links to does not extist, the backup crashes. ’ as in my meassage before.
It is for guitarists (or others) who create pedalboards/presets in the MOD-UI interface with external lv2 plugins.
The script modifies the symbolic links in such a way that they still work but not make the backup crash. (685 Bytes)

In a terminal:
chmod 777

Succes and cheers,


Hi @zynthianers!

We have a new SD image:

This could be considered as RC1 (Release Candidate #1). This means we have closed the development of new features and only bugfixes will be commited until the release, that is programmed for 2024-09-23 if no serious issues are detected before.

This image has been totally rebuilt from scratch using the latest official Raspberry Pi OS image, so it’s highly recommended that all of you download and replace your current Oram images.

What is new in this SD image?

  • A bunch of bug fixes, including, hopefully, the Pi5 boot issues
  • Improved touch/mouse workflow
  • Improved MIDI learning workflow for the mixer
  • Upgrade Pianoteq demo version to 8.3.1
  • Hundreds of plugins have been reviewed and ranked. Indeed, all processors enabled by default have been reviewed and ranked, so browsing and choosing processors is now a much better experience.
  • Detailed view for processors. When browsing the processor list, some have long descriptions that doesn’t fit the space at right, so we have implemented a “detailed view” . You can access this view by pushing on the info area or clicking the “shot” knob (knob #3 in V5). For processors in chain we have added an “info” entry in the processor options.

Regarding the review process, it’s not me who have reviewed most of them. Silvio, a young producer from Reus (Spain) has collaborated a lot. Also,i have copied/modified texts from the “official” descriptions in the plugins websites when available, etc. Of course, this is a work in progress. Not all plugins have a review and ranking yet and some others have to be improved.
