New to Zynthian, build it but no sound

hi all,
I just found out about Zynthian , got myself a raspberry pi 4 and a UPerfect display.
build my Pi in the display and got Zynthian on the card.
On the display everything works but I can’t get any sound out of the speakers or out of the pi headphone. jack…

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Greetings. You will have to configure Zynthian via ‘webconf’ to use the sound hardware you choose in your environment.

If you’re having trouble doing that can you send a copy of the top level screen from webconf?

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I have done the webconfig at zynthian.local and set it to the rbpi or usb c but still no sound…
will put some photo’s on later when i get of work!

Okay some photos.

Hope that helps a bit. Touch controls work. Keyboard and mouse, i can see midi coming in through midi controller but no sound out the headphone jack…

OK, now when you click on “Dummy device” next to Audio underneath the “HARDWARE” heading, you should get a screen detailing your audio settings and allowing you to select your ‘sound card’ and with a check box re Rbpi Headphones. You can see more by checking “advanced view”.

If that doesn’t make you go ‘oh, I see’ let us see your audio settings with advanced view on for further troubleshooting.

Also, one piece of advice: Sometimes when you change a setting you have to reboot (even twice sometimes!) for it to take effect.

UPerfect display - also does it make sense that the UPerfect display would show up as “Dummy Device”? That question is mostly directed at any Zynthianiacs who might know about some special meaning of that, not just richardrijkhoff.

You have selected Dummy Audio which won’t make a sound. You need to select an actual soundcard. If you want to use the onboard RPi sound you should select the relevant soundcard in webconf. Or you can enable Headphones output which sends an audio feed to the onboard sound.

Right now its on a boot loop so i will put everything new on the card and start over.

Hi @richardrijkhoff , it looks like you are using a special case with custom extension boards.
The Rbpi headphone connector isn’t connected as on the photo.
So if the case has a headphone jack , audio should come out from the hdmi signal.

Okay will see if sound comes from hdmi. Thanks.

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Nope no sound out off hdmi and none with rpbpi headphones checked…

Guess ill have to wait till the kit becomes available again.

If you’re saying you don’t wish to continue troubleshooting, and give up, I will of course stop.

One possibility to continue, would be to try getting sound out from the raspberry pi under its normal operating system as opposed to Zynthian.

I’m not clear on whether you’ve actually tried the headphone jack on the raspberry pi or if you’re prevented from doing so because of your case.

And just in case it wasn’t clear, trying the audio under Rbpi OS was just to verify the audio hardware is working, then back to Zynthian.

What model of UPerfect display do you have?

Hi @richardrijkhoff

What kind of box is this ? Maybe it has its own built in DAC ?

This one ? There is no hardware documentation :frowning:

Can you provide output of commands

aplay -l

i will as soon as i get home.
long days at work atm…


yup, thats the Uperfect case, with debian all works fine. i get sound out of the speakers playing youtube or pisound.