New zynthianOS Stable release: oram-2502

Hi @zynthianers!

We (zynthian developers) did it again, so we have a new release for you all. This time we decided to call it “oram-2502”. Some of you probably could guess the motivations for doing so, but what really matters is the list of improvements and fixes:

  • Full integration of LV2 patch parameters, so now you can control all parameters in engines like Monique, Surge-XT, etc.

  • Bi-directional updates when modifying LV2 parameters from Native GUI <=> Zynthian UI. Now you will see your zynthian UI is updated when modifying parameters in the VNC’s native GUI.

  • Implement the File Selector widget in zynthian UI, integrating LV2’s “path parameters”. This allows full integration of plugins that requires loading files as parameters:

    • Neural Network simulators like Aida-X, NAM & Ratatouille (new!)
    • IR loaders
    • samplers (i.e. samplv1)
    • etc.
  • New synth engine JC103, that emulates the sound and spirit of the legendary Roland TB303 Bassline Synthesizer unit. The sound of this little machine was a key part in music styles like Acid Techno, Psy-Trance and others. You probably remember the “rebirth” :wink:

  • New Neural Model player Ratatouille, that allows to run 2 models and 2 IRs simultaneously, blending the resulting sound => Thanks to @maartmaart by the “leak”!

  • New Chord options in the pattern editor. :raised_hands:

  • SooperLooper improvements and fixes => Brave @niels for your contribution!! :raised_hands:

  • Add support for hot-plug USB audio devices => Yeahhh @riban! :raised_hands:

  • Lots of icons and descriptions added to the UI to make it more friendly and lower the learning curve. Thanks @LFO who contributed some nice icons and ideas :raised_hands:

  • Lots of improvements and fixes

  • All i forgot to put here (@riban, feel free to add!)

And finally the cake’s cherry … a little surprise:

And that’s all folks!
So, if you already running Oram, update and enjoy!!

Or if you prefer, download the new SD-image updated to the last:



GREAT!!! :slight_smile:

Thanks Zynthian team!!!


So good work :+1:

Fantastic news @jofemodo! All of this sounds simply terrific. :star2:

So, that’s the plan for this evening: first thing upon landing home will be firing up the three siblings of my little Zynthian family, and letting them all updating happily to the new OS!

Second thing: arming a few Juno60 chains and playing them :wink:

Many thanks to you, @riban and all those generously involved :stars:

1 Like

Wonderful! Is there any advantage in burning a new image over just updating (from staging)?

Not really.

Cool, I thought I read somewhere it was necessary in a past major update

I updated coming from Vangelis, and it worked great!

If the major (codename) changes then you may need to. When we changed to Oram, we went from 32-bit Buster to 64-bit Bullseye which definitely required to flash a new image. You should always be able to update within Oram.


Really? I thought we went directly from 32-bit Buster to 64-bit Bookworm. I’m not trying to be a pain here, and I realize it doesn’t matter, I’m just seeking the actual story if it’s different from what I observed.

You are right. We jump over bullseye. From buster 32 to bookworm 64.



Some people (including me) had problems updating to 2409.3 a few weeks ago and the simplest way to get it working (before 2409.4 fixed it a day or two later) was to reflash, that could be what you’re thinking of.

This is great. I’m keen to have another go at the Monique synth.

I saw your post about the icons, there are quite a few! I plan on going back to it at some point hopefully soon. I’ll post more on the other thread.

It look great ! :heart_eyes:

Except one thing. As we now have all the parameters for Surge available, it make a loooooot of pages. If you add an effect, you have to scrooooooole down a lot to edit it.
Is it possible to fold Surge or to add the possibility to go “up” at the first page to go to the lasted page (and vice versa) ?

Please, add a feature request to implement 2-levels in the control view pages



sneaky torrent
2025-02-17-zynthianos-oram-2502-stable.img.xz.torrent (66.2 KB)

Thanks for the great update, with so many goodies!