Newbie question: factory reset? OS release? update?

I bought a second hand Zynthian 4 and I start working on it: it is really interesting.
I need your help, please, to short my learning curve :slight_smile:

Newbie questions:

  1. is there a kind of factory reset?
  2. how could I check which release of OS is running?
  3. if there is a newer OS release how can I update?
  4. After update is it enough to restore data and config to avoid loosing the presets, SF2, etc.?

Sort of, you can pop out the sdcard and write a clean version of the os on it. Learn about that here:

All of these are in the webconf. You can learn about it here: Zynthian Web Configuration Tool User Guide - ZynthianWiki

Hi @piattica !

You should burn a new SD with the latest image. Use good quality SD cards. Sandisk Ultra and Sandisk Extreme normally work fine for me.
Although the image include a good collections of soundfonts and a bunch of demo snapshots, you could keep the old SD for reference. Perhaps there is something interesting you want to restore later.

All the best!

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If you can mount the SSD on your host machine then that does allow you to copy chunks of data from one environment to another albiet using the host.

Please help me about following points:

where can I understand which Os release is installed: is it the build date?

the backup does not work because I got always 500 Server Error when I try to backup Data

Is it possible to copy the data directory using network cable connecting my notebook with Win11?
If yes there is a tutorial?

Please, follow the wiki instructions to download and burn the last version. Your current version is quite outdated.


Hi I did the update using a Sandisk Ultra;
after update, the list o sf2 files in http://zynthian.local/lib-presets is empty.
Furthermore after uploding sf2 files when I save a snapshot the name of SF2 file has no name:

How can I fix?

Hi @piattica !

  • Presets empty? All engines or some of them only? Try to run the “search for plugins and presets” button from the LV2 page…

  • Did you “restore” snapshots from the old SD?
    If you do so, some of them may not work if using soundfonts or presets not included with the image. You should restore these too.

Anyway, I would suggest leaving the restoring process for after. First you should play a little bit with the software out-the box.


it seems that only sf2 list is empty

I did not restore after updating.

I ran the “search for plugins and presets” button from the LV2 page…
and now when I save a snaphot the sf2 is shown:

Maybe it is better to reinstall the OS?
There are 2 OS:
which one it is better to use?


Don’t you do it?
You MUST do it! You SD image is not updatable. It’s to old!
You should burn the last stable or testing image in your new SD card.


I told you above :wink:

I did the update 2308 as I wrote.
I did it twice with the same sf2 issue.


  1. I installed the

Same problem:

  1. I did the software update:
    same problem, SF2 list empty in http://zynthian.local/lib-presets !

  2. I ran the “search for plugins and presets” button from the LV2 page:
    same problem, SF2 list empty in http://zynthian.local/lib-presets !

  3. Tried to upload a SF2: list is still empty, but in Zynthian I can see it

Now I do not have other ideas. Please help me.

I can confirm the same issue in testing version. FluidSynth engine see and working with sf2 files at making new channel. WebConfig don’t show sf2 files in Presets & Soundfonts.

The issue is confirmed. I’m fixing it!

OK! It’s fixed now. Update and test.


thanks a lot

where can I find the file to download?

the os files in stable and in test have 2023 dates

These are the latest images available.
You have to update the software “on-line”, from webconf or the UI.


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It works. Good job.

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It still have the same issue after updating in webconfig.