Nightly build delivery system

So we have the ability to make nightly builds and in theory we should be able to test anything. However I started getting with @mheidt the situation “You should download the build and test it”, which is a symptom to another problem - Zynthian OS image is big, even with ZythhianOS scripts it takes 2.5GB out of 10GB from before. That’s ~30-90 mins download and 40 mins flashing a 7GB image.

What I want is that every morning, @jofemodo , @mheidt and anyone else in the world working on Zynthian, could have a nightly on an SD on their desk ready to test, every morning as long as the build passes. But download and flashing takes time, time you rather be developing cool features in.

So let me offer a solution - If you have an old Pi1, Pi zero or anything like that laying around, with a spare USB sd card reader:
I can build a distro, that every night, once the nightly is done, it would download and flash it on to an SD card, as long as the card is in the Pi. This means you go to sleep, you wake up with a new nightly with all the stuff installed.

Is this something that would help you guys?


hm…one more reason to buy the new raspi :slight_smile:

I have plenty of reasons to get more - the question is will it solve the problem?

Also this would be a ‘download and flash’ pi. You could use someting not as ppowerful as a Pi 3 (although I’d imagine they are on sale now).

here a raspi2 is more expensive than a 3…never understood why. We should tell Adam Smith.

Interesting, but off-topic.
Will this help?