Novnc for Zynthian-UI

Hi there,

I saw several threads related to VNC, and the access to Zynthian-UI. Many people have already achieved that, btw thanks to everyone for your inputs.

From the user point of view, I like to access to remote desktops with the browser, novnc works pretty well. However, it isn’t ready for Zynthian-UI, or I didn’t see it yet.

I wrote some services based on the existing ones to launch novnc to point to Zynthian-UI using x11vnc.

Is there a reason why this hasn’t been implemented yet? Does it get on conflict with some other parts of the system?

can you maybe help me to solve the connection error?
i did setup the noVNC and started the html, but when I click on CONNECT it doesn’t go there.
I made it in one time and could not repeat it.
Something seems to block me.

Hi @Eule,

I saw your comment also in Can’t use VNC thread. As far as I have understand there two types of desktops which you can access remotelly through VNC:

I don’t know which desktop you want to access. If you already have a screen, you don’t need to access Zynthian-UI. In case you want to run some natives synth engines on a secondary screen through VNC, you should:

  • Access to the webconf
  • Interface ->UI Options → Enable VNC server (I’m not sure if this requires a reboot)
  • Software-> VNC Viewer

If you want to manually edit novnc service, look at the code.
In case you want to manually stop/start the service:

systemctl stop novnc.service
systemctl stop novnc.service

I hope this helps!

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Yes, this did help. I was using another VNC client and somehow this one didn’t let me in and the noVNC was nicely showing the native synth GUIs as you say, but at my second try it doesn’t let me connect anymore.
I do have a touchscreen for the Zynthian, so mirroring the Zynthian UI is not what I want.
I want to edit details about the synths. I like to see them.