[off topic] amazing archive of audio related papers

Hi Zynthianers,

if you’re there then maybe you’re:

  • a music addict
  • a technology enthusiastic
  • a diy fan
  • or even a bit of all of these

You should have a look here: https://www.americanradiohistory.com/
You will find tons of scanned magazine like that one (in french, it’s for me :wink: )

But also Billboard Magazine from 1920 (!) to 2016
and many many other …


Eh eh… and I can see they have the complete Elektor collection…
Issues starting from december 1981 to june 1982 were describing an analog synth using Curtiss CEM chips… polyphonic, it was…
But in English…

And the following year or so, 1983-1984, a notre magazine Radio Plans, was describing an analog synth using SSM chips…

I think it even had memories to store your patches… you could not edit them afterwards, though… not sure…

Thanx for sharing… and for bringing back those days when I would wait so impatiently for the next issue of the magazine…

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I eventually disposed of my collection of Elektor magazines. I think I was missing just a few issues. I loved that mag. Looking forward to re-aquainting myself :nerd_face:

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Elektor circuit board were a thing of great beauty…:smiley:

Yes - I believe there is an unpopulated 64MB RAM board in one of my drawers - just one of many unfinished projects.

Elektor just seemed so much more authoritative than Practical Electronics which always had a slight air of British built in a garage construction …

Appealed to the Maplin set though!

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And Elektor was the only one providing already printed PCBs… that helped a lot…
And not only the routes were printed, but also the components traces…
That helped even more…