Official RBPi TouchScreen 7"

What you see is correct. The 4 controller areas are only displayed in the “control instrument” screen. All the other screens have a wider, left aligned select box. You have to select engine, channel, bank and instrument to reach the “intrument control” screen.

Anyway, you should know that configuring the “display” is not the same that configuring the “touch” device. Both are different devices, with different drivers and configurations.

The Gorgona SD image is configured for working with the “stmpe” touch device, that is included in the Adafruit TouchScreens (and clonics). If you are using a different one, you should follow the specific instructions for your touch device. Normaly you have to do 2 steps:

  1. Load the driver (boot/config.txt, /etc/modules, …)
  2. Configuring the X11 pointing device (/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d)

It shouldn’t be difficult, but depends of every device :wink:
I think that some HDMI screens with “USB” touch-devices work like a mouse, so probably no extra configuration should be done (perhaps some kind of calibration?)

Kind Regards!