Official RBPi TouchScreen 7"

Just managed to get the 7" screen working too. Because of the stand, I had to change Rotary to 0.
So happy now.
But, how do I get out of the Sequencer without a rotary controller?

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Now my VNC server refuses to work.

Yes. vnc is a little bit of a pain at the moment. Most of my world ran that way but things seem not to work now.

At the moment you need to enable Touchscreen Widgets from webconf Interface->UI Options.

Great, thanks. I can live with that for now.

Is there a way to dim the backlight of the screen?

Hi @BertB ,
if you own the official 7 inch rbpi display, so far I can see in the doc, I think answer is yes: it’s doable via the i2c interface.

  • PWM backlight control and power control over I2C interface

You will have to search through the raspberryPi forum to find how to achieve that as I didn’t find some official documentation regarding this feature.

Sorry to say there is in my case no possibility to dim the brightness of the screen.
It appears I need at least a version V1.1 screen and guess what, I own a V1.0.
With V1.1 one can simply send a value to a kind of file to modify brightness.


After some time I tried to reinstall Zynthian on A raspberry pi, and I saw that “Pi 7 Touchscreen Display 800*480” was available after update of “zynthianos-last-stable” ( Great :smiley: !!!

But I’m sad :sleepy: : still “ERROR” message on my Pi 7 Touchscreen…

Perhaps I have to use a RPI 3 not a 4 ?

The settings below (by default) :

Dans l’attente de vous lire.

Bien à vous

What audio device are you using and have you configure Zynthian for it?

Hi @riban,

I have an HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro.

Bien à vous

The display set up isn’t causing the error screen because, well, you can see the error on the screen. Pretty sure it’s going to be an issue with jack.

Hi, @professeur you have to configure your hifiberry sound card in the webconf under hardware->audio menu.

Thanks @le51,

I change « Hifiberry Dac + Adc Pro » to « Hifiberry Dac+ », and it works !!


Some kind of :face_with_monocle: is mandatory in these cases …



Now I have to build a cool case for my cool piano (!).

Thank you all


Yes “Mad Professor”


I’m ‘reviving’ this old topic to ask a question. I’m trying to get an “official” Raspberry Pi 7 inch touchscreen working, and it generally does work.

I started with the zynthianos_2022-11-01-zynthianos-stable.img, and changed the screen to “Pi 7 Touchscreen Display 800x480” in webconf.
However, unlike the image from the thread above which has the 4 encoders represented on the touchacreen:

My main screen does not show buttons or a ‘Main’ tile:

I checked that “Enable Onscreen Buttons” under the User Interface entry from the Interface menu entry is on, and I’ve tried both the stable and testing branch.
Does anyone have suggestions as to what to look at or change? Thanks much!

Hi @tunagenes! There have been some enhancements to the touch interface with the quantity of onscreen buttons minimised to provide more screen for display of the UI.

As has (almost) always been the case, the top left of the screen (where you see “Main” on you screenshot) acts as a hidden touchpad / button. It generally acts as the BACK button but a bold press will show the menu. Most screens can be navigated / controlled using the touch interface. If you have onscreen buttons enabled then extra buttons at the bottom appear only when they are needed, e.g. in the control view the buttons allow access to presets, learn, etc.

This section of the wiki describes this (briefly). It may not say much different to what I have written here.


Thanks @riban. I was concerned that there would some places in the user interface where I needed the encoder buttons and they wouldn’t be there. I’ll report back if that actually happens anywhere.