Oram 2502 Release Candidate

After selecting staging (oram) as software version and updating, the system does not upgrade 166 packages. Is that expected?
Software shows:
zyncoder: oram (092fb26)
zynthian-ui: oram (add0179)
zynthian-sys: oram (da7c7f5)
zynthian-data: oram (bee88d0)
zynthian-webconf: oram (4dab315)

See apt output for details.
upgrades_staging.txt (13.3 KB)

Did you use the classic command line update? If so, thatā€™s not a good option.


EDIT: My Zynthian shows the same actual version of staging (oram)
zyncoder: oram (092fb26)
zynthian-ui: oram (add0179)
zynthian-sys: oram (da7c7f5)
zynthian-data: oram (bee88d0)
zynthian-webconf: oram (4dab315)

No, I did use the webconf settings and update. But the message ā€œā€¦166 packages not upgradedā€ that scrolled by made me curious.

Ah, this seems to be indeed expected: Are Raspberry Pi firmware updates part of the ZynthianOS update? - #2 by riban

Done! Updated my V4. Just made brief explorations, but all looks good so far, and the update/repo change process from testing Vangelis was seamless.

The physically modelled SO-KL5 piano engine cannot be added in a new chain, but maybe this is V4-related (Zynth hangs and the current snapshot is fully cleared: no processors/chains). Reported issue in issue tracker:
[Issue:Unable to load SO-KL5 piano synthesiser engine on V4 with Staging Oram 2502 Ā· Issue #1345 Ā· zynthian/zynthian-issue-tracking Ā· GitHub].

I have experienced something similar with Dexed on Vangelis some time ago. I cleared the snaps with dexed , but machine hung on loading those snaps still. Dexed was missing in the engines list. But i think Dexed it back again. I have not been around it since.

Thanks for your feedback @core.east.

As a matter of fact, I stumbled upon that physical piano engine which I hadnā€™t noticed, and wanted to give it a try out of a pure spirit of experimentation, that is with testing purposes of the upcoming OS release.

It may well be that the Pi4 inside V4 is simply not computationally strong enough to manage it, while my other Pi5 Zynthians easily would.

Best regards!

I noted a possible bug and I opened Issue: canā€™t update snapshots #1347

I cannot update old snapshots but only create new ones.

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Same here!

Where has the LV2 preset save function gone? It used to be under Bold press Select ā†’ Chain options ā†’ select the processor in use. This now reaches a menu with Info / Replace / Presets / Clean MIDI-learn, and selecting Presets here just bring up the list of existing presets.

Bold press on any preset from the list.


Ooh ā€¦ scary ā€¦ one really must make sure to make that a bold press or else oneā€™s newly edited patch is gone. Well, it does work at any rate. Thanks!

EDIT: Perhaps itā€™s just a question of (lack of) familiarity, but I wrote a issue for it nonetheless, as I feel that bold clicking in the preset list is a bit risky:

I dont even kno what bold clicking is :confused:

As a total n00b on the v5 it already took me a lot of time to understand how saving things works. Do I save the subsnaphot or just the snapshot? How to save a new preset, etcā€¦ all the save actions happen in many different places with different wordings and consequences. Sometimes I powered up next day and my work from the day before was lost. Ever since I do a clean shutdown from the admin menu to be sure :ok_hand:

Have a look at the documentation.

The way I think of it is that snapshots are instrument definitions and subsnapshots are presets for that instrument.

e.g. build an instrument from chains and save it as a snapshot. Configure that instrument and save that configuration as a subsnapshot.

Then, loading a snapshot is telling Zynthian to turn into that instrument.
Loading a subsnapshot is telling Zynthian to load a preset for that instrument.


For me preset is nothing to do with snapshot or subsnapshot. Preset is just a way of storing single instrument settings and can be seen as snapshot if zynthian is used to play only a single instrument. However zynthian is much more than that.
I see a snapshot as a setup for the style of playing or a setup for a single song. Snapshot include multiple chains with multiple instruments and sometimes backing tracks when needed. Snapshot you would load before playing something. It takes a time to load it.

Subsnapshot is a version of snapshot that can be quickly enabled while playing. For example, if you want to switch between instruments or if you would enable or disable fxs while playing certain parts.

I think weā€™re in agreement, just with slightly different definitions of the terms we use.

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To be clear, I really like the workflow with subsnapshots, its exactly what i needed for my purpose (live setup to replace a big amount of hardware)
My main ā€œissueā€ had to to with how and when to save, and what to save. And indeed the ā€œboldā€ press :wink: