When I return home from vacation I’ll try to put something together. A few years ago I played around with pd on a Mac and later installed pd on a Rpi. I remember checking out Automationism but don’t recall saving any patches. It looks like Automationism has improved quite a bit since I first used it. I’ve been meaning to check out pd on the Zynthian ever since it was added but never got around to it. This gives me a good excuse to try it.
After several long days it is finished and integrated. I mapped most of the controllers and created the YML file. While it is named 48Presets, it actually has 128 presets included. I installed it on my zynthian and it seems to be working
well so far. I use a touch screen with no encoders. I keep changing the controller cc assignments accidentally. Is there a way to disable midi learn? Have fun and let me know what you think.
Ohhhhh!! Jojojojo!! What a funny toy!!! I’m enjoying like a pig in the mud!! The preset morphing is amazing!! If you are OK with that, i would like to include it in the new Aruk image
Congratulations and thanks a lot for your contribution!
I have found MIDI learning often gets in the way of my workflow. Maybe @ronsum may wish to raise a feature request around this? (@jofemodo may be getting bored of the quantity of tickets I am raising .)
Certainly, you may add it to Aruk. I’m glad you are enjoying it and I hope to contribute more in the future. You’re project has shown steady improvement and has grown into a very nice synth. Thank
you and your team for all of the hard work.
The sequencer has a random element on 4 of it’s 16 notes. The three oscillators have some strange intervals on some patches that create some unusual harmonics on some notes. Most of the atmospheric aspect comes from the stereo delay and patch change morphing. The notes triggered from midi are monophonic. This wasn’t intended to be a musical composition, just testing and playing around. Most of the perameters are under midi cc control and some were changed on the fly during the testing.
I am delighted to see that the Zynthian can run PD patches including Automatonism patches. And I’m very happy that the Aruk build includes some PD patches so we can get a sense of what’s possible and how good it sounds.
I tried using the webconfig tool to upload some PD patches I had downloaded from patchstorage into the zynthian, The good news is, if I upload a zip file, it works. But if I just upload a .pd file, I get this error message:
Can’t install file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/presets/puredata/synths//tmp/SampleShufflerSS4’
Am I doing something wrong? Or is the simple answer to just upload a zip file to install PD files?
Hi @exiannyc, I think using a zip file is the best way to go. This allows you to include subpatches as well as a YAML config file to map midi controls to the zynthian. Here’s an old post explaining the process. Adding Pure Data synths ....(and Csound?)
You can search this forum for “PD Patch” to find more PD patches prepared for the zynthian. Some are already included in the Zynthian image file and some are not. You can study those files to get an idea of how they work with midi and zynthian controls.