Piecemealed Build

Hi all, I just received my main board, screen, and heat sink from españa. It looks like I need to source ribbon cables for the connections myself, is there a standard size for these cables that I can buy, from amazon for example? Thanks kindly

Here is some recent discussion regarding Zynthian ribbon cables which included some Amazon links:

I don’t know whether it will actually help but it’s the easiest pointer I have handy.
You can look at the Zynthian Schematics and PCB Layouts and some BOM info in the Z hardware repo for more basic info.

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crowboat welcome here :sunrise:

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Old PC disk drive connectors from the dim and distant past always worked for me, but it’s a good idea to get some ribbon cable and some squeeze connectors and make your own. It allows to make test looms whilst building and then make properly sized ribbons for final installation.

Be careful with ribbon cable & 40 pin IDC connectors. It’s better to get the gray ribbon with a red trace. The rainbow colours can vary in size and some don’t fit. And always make sure the red trace is on the same pin. Don’t be fooled by putting a connector on opposite sides of the ribbon.

Oh, yes, Welcome! and offerings are dropped off in the normal place, when it’s all finished.

thanks kindly all, I found the wiki assembly page and have ordered the type B connectors and a DSI display cable.

Since the control board being out of stock is the main reason why I’m not using a full kit, I’m hoping to use some spare key switches to make the button interface.