Pisound red error screen

What version does “zynthian-data: master” show now in webconfig?

zynthian-ui: master (94854c)
zynthian-webconf: master (17b44f)
zyncoder: master (aa91af)
zynthian-sys: master (dcf8d8)
zynthian-data: master (336ead)

Are the checks you made before still the same now after update?

Yes, and I try after the update to run the jackd command and it’s the same.

Also did you do a full power off and on or reboot - might try power off/on perhaps if the “zynthian-data: master” has updated from before.

Yes, I try to reboot and to power off.

@gnuv @riban

What you have put:

zynthian-ui: master (94854c)
zynthian-webconf: master (17b44f)
zyncoder: master (aa91af)
zynthian-sys: master (dcf8d8)
zynthian-data: master (336ead)

Seems like it’s in a different order to what you put before:

zyncoder: master (aa91afe)
zynthian-ui: master (94854cb)
zynthian-sys: master (dcf8d8a)
zynthian-data: master (336eadc)
zynthian-webconf: master (17b44ff)

The number of digits in each pair of brackets appears to be missing the last character perhaps?

If that is a copy and paste problem (missing character) then does it not seem that “zynthian-data: master” hasn’t actually changed in the update you did?

Was there an error perhaps when you did the update, you didn’t see?

Maybe @riban or another can shed some light?

It’s just because I copy and paste from the ssh console.
It’s the same on webconfig :

zyncoder: master (aa91afe)
zynthian-ui: master (94854cb)
zynthian-sys: master (dcf8d8a)
zynthian-data: master (336eadc)
zynthian-webconf: master (17b44ff)

So zynthian-data: master hasn’t changed, I think from @riban reply to do the update suggests that may be an old version.

Although I don’t have a PiSound, if I select it as the option in webconfig “soundcard” it automatically has:

“-P 70 -t 2000 -s -d alsa -d hw:pisound -r 44100 -p 256 -n 2 -X raw”

Note in the “JackD Options:” note that the “-d hw:pisound” is different to what you originally had, maybe the version of “zynthian-data: master (336eadc)” is wrong as mine is “zynthian-data: master (74ceb35)” a later version number.

I have just updated and I see a different version of zynthian-ui: master (2151f60). That is probably because there was an update yesterday but please update to be sure that yours is the same as mine.

If you then go to http://zynthian.local/hw-audio, select a different Soundcard then reselect Pisound from the dropdown your Jackd Options should show -P 70 -t 2000 -s -d alsa -d hw:pisound -r 44100 -p 256 -n 2 -X raw. If that is not the case then something is odd with your system.

Having selected pisound option you need to save then reboot. It is possible that the screen may flash between error and okay a couple of times. I am not sure what causes this but I have seen it before. It tends to settle down after a minute and if not a reboot seems to cure it. It only tends to happen after a configuration change / update. (If I see it again I will try to diagnose.)

When you have applied these settings, if you are still seeing issue please post the output from journalctl -ru jack2 (again). We will track this down…

@deldor The update mechanism updates each of several subsystems and rebuilds libraries, etc. If a subsystem has not changed then it will not be updated, hence some IDs may not change.


Yes, but what made me think @gnuv 's version may not support PiSound was that it didn’t originally give:

“-P 70 -t 2000 -s -d alsa -d hw:pisound -r 44100 -p 256 -n 2 -X”


“-P 70 -t 2000 -s -d alsa -d hw:0 -r 44100 -p 256 -n 2 -X raw”

OT - have changed my “zynthian-ui:” to follow development of the step sequencer… :grinning:


I have just done an update and now have:

“zynthian-data: master (336eadc)” - (same as @gnuv )

I did have (before update):

" zynthian-data: master (74ceb35)"

Am I going bonkers?..

@deldor you are not going bonkers. I updated the data repro a couple of times yesterday to fix some issues with step sequencer drum maps. 336eadc is the current version.



Phew! Thank goodness! :grin:

Of course that doesn’t mean I’m not going bonkers…

Thank you a lot @riban and @deldor
With the new update (336eadc), that seems to work well :slight_smile:
There’s still some issues on the GUI, but the pisound is ok.
I can go further with that.
I’ll make a beginners tuto on pisound zynthian headless configuration when everythings will be ok.

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That’s great!

This would be great, @gnuv!!
Some :face_with_monocle: would be nice too …


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Hi @gnuv any chance this beginners tuto is up and running soon? I might need help with this. That’d be really great… Pretty please with a cherry on top???

Hi, it’s here : Beginners Headless Zynthian Tutorial - ZynthianWiki
But it’s not up to date, especially concerning VNC.

Hey @gnuv thanks for your feedback. But this headless install is not pisound specific. And for some reason I can’t seem to access zynthian UI through vnc though it is activated in webconf. I was hoping to be able to use my Pisound RPI with either patchbox or Zynthian. No luck so far… Well Patchbox OS works like a charm. But not Zynthian

Hi @WaNou
You have to give more infos for a better help from the community.

  • What is your physical hardware setup ? How did you configure it ? (A screenshots of the webconf home page is full of usefull infos)
  • is jackd running ? Use from the terminal:

ps aux|grep jack

  • If not, what’s the output of command

aplay -l

Hi @le51 yes, you’re right, I should be more specific, I’ll do all of this asap. Thanks

Hi @le51 here is the screenshot of my webconf

And here’s the output of the 2 commands you asked me for…

root@zynthian:~# ps aux|grep jack
root 419 1.5 2.3 105228 92580 ? SLsl 17:35 0:08 /usr/local/bin/ jackd -P 70 -t 2000 -s -d alsa -d hw:pisound -r 44100 -p 256 -n 2 -X
root 2088 0.0 0.0 7348 476 pts/0 S+ 17:44 0:00 grep jack

root@zynthian:~# aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 1: b1 [bcm2835 HDMI 1], device 0: bcm2835 HDMI 1 [bcm2835 HDMI 1]
Subdevices: 4/4
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
Subdevice #2: subdevice #2
Subdevice #3: subdevice #3
card 2: Headphones [bcm2835 Headphones], device 0: bcm2835 Headphones [bcm2835 Headphones]
Subdevices: 4/4
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
Subdevice #2: subdevice #2
Subdevice #3: subdevice #3
card 3: pisound [pisound], device 0: PS-02EAT6K snd-soc-dummy-dai-0 [PS-02EAT6K snd-soc-dummy-dai-0]
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

As is, everything looks ok with your audio setup. Your issue seems to be more related to VNC access itself. I can’t help for this as I’ve got no experience at all with this.
There’s a long thread about vnc, maybe you’ll find usefull informations:

good luck :innocent:

Hi @le51 it just doesn’t work for me. I can’t access the UI via VNC at all… Dunno where the issue comes from… Thanks anyway.