Pre-fader plugins - 2 in series, 1 parallel to them - possible without mod-ui?

Is it somehow possible to create a plugin chain, like for example

audio signal   ---->   delay  --->  LP filter   --->   fader
                 \________  distortion _________/

without the use of mod-ui, alone within zynthian’s mixer configuration?
I didn’t manage it.
Or is this worth a feature request.

To do that you would need to use two chains, so yes it is possible.

that’s really a pitty. :weary:
all 16 audio inputs to the zynmixer are occupied due to a multi input sound card. Hence, no extra audio chains left.
But thanks. I’d need a delay with built-in LP filter then…

There are a few of them, but I can’t check the Zynthian now so I don’t know specifically which ones and whether they’re active by default.

In a future release we will be removing the 16 channel limit of the mixer.


Science fiction or planned???
Would be a great game changer. In the python code it’s just a constant. If I’d raise the value, would it work?

Planned - there are some challenges to resolve but I hope to merge the dev branch into testing (vangelis) shortly after 2502 release.

No! Current implementation uses a fixed size zynmixer. Recompiling zynmixer with a different MAX_CHANNELS and making several tweaks to the Python code could be done, but I would suggest waiting as the new implementation changes other things.

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Nice, looking forward :smiley: