Problem with actve MIDI channel [SOLVED!]


New use here, just assembled my v5.1 and stared to explore it.
My original plan was to use it as a sound module being sequenced from Deluge in Multitimbral mode, but when i activate or deactivate midi channel setting on admin page it still plays only selected part in mixer.

Thank you for your help

Can confirm this.
With Din Midi end external Midisequencer the behaviour is similar to Omni no matter what you set (Multi) the channels influence each other.

Via USB Midi and Deluge it works as it should.

Hi @highsiderr !

I just tested with MIDI-DIN5 input and an external sequencer, both multi and active modes, and everything worked as expected.

Please, could you explain, step by step what do you do and what do you expect?


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Hi, it seems to start only when you use a drum kit in the Linux sampler. Could it be that Linux Sampler passes its midi in ?
As soon as you start a drum track the other tracks play these notes and notes in the Linux sampler drumkit are left out ? It is strange that the same tracks work via USB Midi without any problem.

Please, could you give the exact steps to reproduce the error? I mean something like:

  1. Remove all
  2. Create a new synth chain with processor “blablabla” and bank/preset
  3. etc.

=> Observed behavior
=> Expected behavior

A snapshot is always welcome.


  1. connected Deluge via Din Midi Out with Zynthian Din Midi in
  2. create 3 Midi tracks Midi ch1-3 on the Deluge
  3. switch the DIN Midi input on the Zynthian to multitimbral.
  4. create 3 instrument channels on the Zynthian
    CH1 Noizmaker Midi=ch 1
    CH2 Noizmaker Midi=ch 2
    CH3 Linuxsampler 909kit Midi=ch3

This is what I have done

And what is the observed behavior?
Could you send the snapshot?


BTW, have you tried the webconf’s MIDI log?
You could observe the raw MIDI input coming out from the MIDI-DIN5 connector and also the MIDI reaching to each chain. It could help to understand what is going on …


The behaviour observed is as described above.
Each channel should only play the notes that are assigned to it. Midi CH1 out to Midi in CH1 and so on.
However, notes from the other channels are also played.

Midi log and so on I will tell you when I have found out how this works.

Here is the snapshot of how it works with the midilogue I don’t know.
013-din midi fail.zss (12.5 KB)

This is working as expected for me on my V4. (I will test on my V5 in a while.) In webconf INTERFACE->MIDI Log, look at the messages comming from the DIN5 to see what is being received.

Here is a short video.
As soon as the drum track is started, the track with the PAD (Midi CH3) disappears.
The notes of the CH3 are no longer received or Ignored.

Now via USB Midi , same set up.

Please could you check the MIDI log from webconf?


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This could be an issue with the MIDI output from the Deluge. Maybe it is sending running status incorrectly or zynthian may be handling it incorrectly. Get an extract from the MIDI log so that we can diagnose where the issue lies.

Din Midi log :

Notes (ch3) are sent by the Deluge and received by the Zynthian but not played.

Usb Midi :

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Yep. I was testing with the snapshot and it works for me. The routing is OK. Nothing strange.
It smells like an issue with the Deluge DIN-5 MIDI output.

From your first log, please note that the deluge is not sending any Note-On on channel 3. Only Note-Off events are sent on channel 3..

It’s very clear to me that the issue is in the Deluge side. Perhaps some rare/missing option, or perhaps a bug that should be fixed with a firmware update. Contact with them.


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Okay, I will .
Just tried the same thing on the Akai Force . There it works without any problems .
So it is the Din Midi out of the Deluge.

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You could try the latest community firmware from github.


  1. remove all
  2. create synth chain midi channel 1
  3. start sequence from deluge channel 1
  4. add synth chain on midi channel 2
    at this point channel 1 sequences the second synth chain
    If I add sequences on channel 2 and 3 all sums are playing still on synth chain 2, if i select in mixer view chain 1 all the sums are playing there.
    Tested with Elektron Digitakt, and Im still getting the same results

adding midi log
CH#03 NOTE_ON 62, Vel: 64
CH#01 NOTE_ON 62, Vel: 64
CH#01 NOTE_OFF 62, Vel: 64
CH#03 NOTE_OFF 62, Vel: 64
CH#02 NOTE_ON 62, Vel: 64
CH#02 NOTE_ON 65, Vel: 64
CH#02 NOTE_ON 71, Vel: 64
CH#01 NOTE_ON 64, Vel: 64
CH#01 NOTE_OFF 64, Vel: 64
CH#01 NOTE_ON 65, Vel: 64
CH#01 NOTE_OFF 65, Vel: 64
CH#01 NOTE_ON 67, Vel: 64
CH#01 NOTE_OFF 67, Vel: 64
CH#01 NOTE_ON 69, Vel: 64
CH#02 NOTE_OFF 62, Vel: 64
CH#02 NOTE_OFF 65, Vel: 64
CH#02 NOTE_OFF 71, Vel: 64
CH#01 NOTE_OFF 69, Vel: 64

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