Problema configuracion rasbperry

al momento de ingresar la ip al navegador para acceder al web conf de zynthian, me aparece error de conexion, habra alguna solucion?

Perhaps, working off the google translation of your question:

When entering the IP to the browser to access the Zynthian web conf, I get a connection error, is there a solution?

I’d say we need more info, like how you’re trying to connect, what error message or code you’re seeing, and what version of Zynthian software-hardware you’re using. There was a problem with Oram a few days ago. If you’re on the stable version have you checked that the Zynthian and the Browser machine are both on the same network and connected?

Yo diría que necesitamos más información, como cómo estás intentando conectarte, qué mensaje de error o código estás viendo y qué versión de software-hardware Zynthian estás usando. Hubo un problema con Oram hace unos días. Si está en la versión estable, ¿ha verificado que Zynthian y la máquina del navegador estén en la misma red y conectados?


Welcome to zynthianland!

English is the “lingua franca” in this forum. If you are not comfortable writing english, please, use the google translator or any other.

Apart from this, please, give us all the context, including hardware and software, so we can help you to solve your issues.

The best!