Pure data freezing on zynthianos headless

Hi !!

I test zynthianos headless with rapberry 5 8Gb for a pure data project.

I succeful install zynthian with my pure data project, however after 30 seconde to 1 minute that i use my patch, pure data frozen: midi touch was reconized by zynthian ( ‘m’ symbol) but the sound don’t work.

It is a patch for sampler driving by an AKAI mpk and it containt many subpatch and abstraction.

It is possible that pure data is limited in zynthian os??
Can I parameter Zynthian for more resource for pure data??

My patch work successful with patchbox os on my raspberry.
I am interressed by patchbox for is sound card and screen integrete in a box : Can I use patchboxOs with the hardware zynthian v5 ??

Thank for yours reply !!


Welcome @romger to the Zynthian world,

It would be helpful to know more about your puredata patch. Based on what you described, it is difficult to say what could cause this freeze.

Which patch is it?
How did you start the puredata patch?
Are you using special abstractions for it?
Is there definitely no midi loop?
Which specifications has the patchbox box where the patch ran before?
Is the soundcard accessible by other programs after freezing?
Can you access the terminal (via webconf or ssh) to see which process blocks or is the whole system frozen?

IMO, patchboxOS should be able to be run on a zynthian box, but why would you do this? Zynthian just gives you more possibilities.

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Hello !!

My patch is a fork of


I just put my patch in github:


I use sound card studio22pro.

I have just try when pure data is frozen I can play an other instrument like ZynAddSub
I can also access to the terminal via ssh !!

Have you a command to enter when pure data is frozen ( I know now that is pure data is frozen and no system sound … )


Dear @romger,
I downloaded your patch and opened it directly within puredata in Zynthian. There are a lot of errors (unsig~, playlist, externals/comport is 32bit compiled, several files not found…).
I don’t understand the workflow of this patch, but when I press “Play” inside the UI of the patch, I can hear bass drum, and other percussion - also after some minutes.

When I press a key (C3,C#3,…) on a connected midi device the bank changes to another number (13,14,…). When I set it back in the UI, no BD could be triggered. But when I play C2, the bank jumps back to 1 and the bass drum could be retriggered again. No sound issues.

IMO the patch is not working “correctly”, but I don’t understand the concept behind it. It seems to be an autonomous looper (??) working as puredata patch, meant to be used standalone? I’m not sure.

I’m sorry not to be of too much of a help.

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Hello !!

I don’t explain what is utility of this patch. I am Sorry !!

It is a sampler. the sample are in the folder samples/samplerBank/NUMBER-OF-BANK. when I upload to GitHub I was limited to upload mu files and I upload just bank number ‘1’ and ‘2’ .

It is right that my patch have several error. I believed that was kindly, because It’s worked in my Pc under linux and it worked on my raspberry under patchboxOs.

Actually I try to repairs this problem. It better to have a patch without error. But I am not sure that resolve my problem (patch work on my raspberry with an other distribution).

I ask help to @tstex if he is here for is question relative at his post https://discourse.zynthian.org/t/cpu-meter-for-pd-usage/3657

Peraps I can have most resource CPU for pure data in ZynthianOs. It is possible that is noobs answer…


Hello @gitnob

When I read your last answer, I believe understand that you can watch patch pure data in zynthian ??

It is possible ?? I would like watch my patch on zynthian …


Of course! You simply need to enable VNC and connect from your computer using the link from the webconf. In the wiki you can find more detailed description of how all this work.


Hi @ jofemodo !!

I am not sure that I make myself understood . My poor english hum !

I use zynthian headless with a hdmi display. I see the zynthian interface what is allow to lunch my patch pure data.

That i want it is watch my patch in zynthian interface. It is possible ??

I try vnc and I watch the same screen of my display hdmi. I am not sure that is the way… to see…

Thank to explain for the begginer that I am !!

Perhaps this text from the wiki (Accessing Zynthian from your computer - ZynthianWiki) will help:

Notice the 5 step sequence:

  • Connect via web browser to webconf
  • Navigate to INTERFACE->UI Options
  • Assert Enable VNC Server option and press Save
  • Reload webconf and navigate to INTERFACE->UI-Engines
  • Enter the Zynthian password (default: raspberry)

Assert means find and check the box. Note the requirement to reload webconf and newer password - opensynth - ask back here if you get stuck on any of the five steps.

1.5 Viewing Zynthian UI and Synth Engine Native GUIs on your Computer

Synth engines native GUI

Some engines have a native GUI that can be accessed from your desktop/laptop computer. Zynthian provides a VNC viewer for a desktop that allows access to these native GUI. By default VNC is disabled and it is recommended to disable for performance (as it has a small overhead which is best saved for your audio). To enable VNC and access the desktop and engines’ native GUI:

  • Connect via web browser to webconf
  • Navigate to INTERFACE->UI Options
  • Assert Enable VNC Server option and press Save
  • Reload webconf and navigate to INTERFACE->UI-Engines
  • Enter the Zynthian password (default: raspberry)

Note: There is also an option to access the Zynthian main UI by navigating to INTERFACE-VNC UI. This is a mirror of the main UI and may be driven from VNC and/or the physical interface.

The VNC views may be accessed directly via the URLs:

or with a VNC client by connecting to ports:

  • 5900 (Main UI)
  • 5901 (Engines desktop)software can be launched, like qjackctl or a virtual MIDI keyboard for testing.

Tip: You can automatically connnect and login to web-based VNC by appending parameters to the URL, e.g. http://zynthian.local:6080/vnc.html?autoconnect=true&password=raspberry

1.5.1 Supported Engines with Native GUI

Many LV2 plugins (NoizeMaker, OBX-d, Surge, DragonFly Reverbs, …) and some of the standalone engines (ZynAddSubFX, Aeolus, Pianoteq and PureData) have support for remotely displaying their native GUIs. If VNC is enabled, the engine’s GUI will be launched automatically when added to a chain.


I have updated the wiki with the correct password.

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Password is:


Hello !!

It’s work !! I success to watch my pure data patch with the manual link!! Thanks @tunagenes .

And miracle my patch doing not freeze since I watch it. I doesn’t modify this. It is the mystery of the computing !!

I will need watch an interface of my patch when I will got zynthian, perhaps I will develop an video patch !!

For the moment I explore the possiblity of Zynthian.

To see you again !!

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God news!
Anyway, it would be good to know the reason your patch don’t like running without graphical interface.
