i bought a new Raspberry PI Touch Display 2. using zynthian oram stagin (latest update) and raspberry pi 5. screen rotation worked using the 90-monitor.conf as in the thread Raspberry Pi Touch Display 2 - Rotate screen - #5 by dealing_with_doors
the problem is touchpanel not rotated. and also the Raspberry Pi Touch Display 2 configuration not available in web conf. any help to fix this?
Did you edit /boot/firmware/config.txt too? in the same thread you reference…
thanks for the reply. I had tried it, but no difference. will try again.and will let you know
i tried this again, but didnt work. looks like the config.txt changes dont have any affect in touch panel display,
its working when i run this command through ssh terminal.
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger
after running this in command prompt, i have to go to zynthian → admin → touch panel calibration, and then need to do the calibration. but the problem is, i have to do this everytime i restart the zynthian.
thanks and regards
Did you solve this yet? All I can say is the above worked for me. Maybe you could put your commands here in the start up script to ensure they run automatically when the device boots up?
it didnt work… i hav another touch display, i’m learning it using that. will try to fix it later