I was wondering, because if so it could save us all the plugins ware are rebuilding in the image.
It might also mean we could add/remove lv plugins and get much more order if they are managed from a repository.
Do you know who maintained it at the time? Where are the apt-sources?
It might be a better way to maintain the debian scripts and have a way for users to add/remove plugins, also encourage people to contribute packages that are optional.
autostatic is in real life Jeremy Jongepier. He is a system admin at MOD-Devices. I don’t know if he is supporting his old repo anymore. For me it seems untouched a long time.
Hello, this repo is unmaintained. I don’t think I have any apt-sources anymore, most packages were backports with specific build options for RPi in the rules files. But if you need any help with specific packages then let me know. Also, I don’t work for MOD anymore, fully independent again