Restore old zynthian's snapshot to the latest one

Hello! I was using an old build (2024/7) and had some backups. I cant get to work any snapshot on the new sd using the latest build, it likely corrupts the “Snapshot Capture” page.
Also, on the backup/restore page it doesnt do anything to restore my full backup. Is this even possible?

Im i doing something wrong?

Hi @EddyFici0.

What version of zynthian softwares are you now using? (Post details from webconf dashboard.)

Is it backups and / or snapshots that are not working?

What are the exact steps you take and the results?


right now im using this version.

when i try to upload an older build’s (24-01-16) snapshot it brokes the “snapshots” page with a “500 Internal Server Error” and i have to reflash my card to get it working again

this is my snapshot, maybe i could modify something here to get it to properly work?

21-1 000-MAIN.zss (486.0 KB)

and in the backups case, it simply doesnt change anything, just uploads and the nothing. i understant this is someting weird to do, trying to use an older version backup, i just wanted to know if maybe the snapshot would save me some time

Snapshots and backups should both work. We will take a look

this is what the log shows when the broken snapshot page tries to load