Sampler category and audio file player not any more under "Special Chain - Where is it?

Hi Guys,

With the latest Oram update I can not find any more Audio File Player inside special chain. There is no Sampler category any more inside special chain where Audio File Player existed before.

Is it moved somewhere else ? I can’t find it.

maybe this: Chenc engine type of "Audio Player", from "Special" to "MIDI synth". … · zynthian/zynthian-ui@9c58b3e · GitHub

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Oh, yes you are right. It is now inside Instrument Chain.

Yes! Audio Player has been rebranded, “ZynSampler” and moved to the Sampler section of the Instrument list. This is because the enhancements have moved this engine from a simple audio file player to a feature rich sample player that can be driven by MIDI, etc. Don’t worry, you can still play long audio files with it and it remains the engine behind the replay of recent recorded files.


By the way, there is a minor bug in ZynSampler. When the loaded file is mono, returns a one-dimensional array, and this will cause a problem generating the waveform. This line produces an IndexError:

# zyngui/
av = a[frame][channel] * self.v_zoom

There is an easy fix; according to the soundfile docs, just passing the argument always_2d=True to the read() method will do.


Thanks, I will look into it. I thought I had handled this scenario but maybe there was a regression or my fix was ineffective. It would be good to raise a ticket so that it doesn’t get lost / forgotten. I am away from home today and may forget before I get back!


Done! Thanks @riban! :slight_smile:


Fixed! Thanks @oscaracena.


Is it possible to trigger multiple stems/audio files using a single instance of zynsampler? i.e. FileA triggered by C2 and FileB triggered by C#2

No, that is not a feature of zynsampler. You can trigger different parts (splices) of a single file but each instance of zynsampler handles just one audio file at a time.

To trigger different samples from different keys you can create a soundfont and load it into fluidsynth. There is a bit of work to do in your preparation and you need a tool like Polyphone but it is a neat solution.

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Ah, okay. That makes sense. Thank you for the suggestion!