I cannot get the “save overwriting” feature to work when i want to update a snap! First i thought it had to do with some old snaps i revived, but its everything. Saving as New Snapshot works perfectly it seems. I guess I’m doing something wrong maybe, since i have not found the case here on Discourse.
I think that feature is kinda new, coming into vangelis just before vangelis got mooved to staging, but it is just a hunch
In my case, I tried deleting some subsnapshots earlier today, and later they just re-appeared. I was thinking I did something incorrectly so didn’t report yet.
I had something like this happen a couple weeks ago (in my case, deleting an lv2 preset would sometimes actually delete the preset ABOVE the one selected in the list) and as far as I can tell it’s because I had deleted and renamed a couple of the files in WinSCP and then ran “scan for new presets” for that engine. After I scanned, the names of handful of presets still appeared in the preset list but weren’t actually pointing to the correct files in the card, I guess.
The way I fixed it was backing up all the presets from that engine onto my laptop (just copied them over with WinSCP), then deleted all of them from the presets list one at a time through Zynthian UI, and finally reuploading them through webconf. I don’t remember if I also had to rescan or not, but either way it fixed everything and I haven’t had an issue since. By the time it was sorted out I didn’t have the time or energy to try replicating it or submit it to the issue tracker. This was in the most recent Oram.
You might try doing the same thing with your subsnapshots and see if it helps.
Connect to the Zynthian via SCP and copy all of the .zss and .zs3 files /zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots (but not the stuff in /.backup)
From the Zynthian UI, delete every snapshot and zs3 one at a time. Because of the way it worked for me I’d suggest starting from the bottom of the list but I’m not sure if it really matters as long as you can delete all of them in the end.
Connect to webconf and upload all of the .zss and .zs3 files you copied in step 1 back onto the Zynthian that way